Hi Adch,
For this you need to do some logical programming in short code file.
Something Like This:
If(PageId == 1) {
// Show only button on this page
// comment out calendar div code
If(PageId == 2) {
// Show only calendar on this page
// comment out button HTML code
[1] Create 2 pages and add short-code [APCAL]
Page Name – Id
Page1 – 43
Page2 – 45
[2] File where to code: appointment-calendar-shortcode.php
[3] Modify code and add conditional logic (line no 633 to 649)
// get page id
if(isset($_GET['page_id'])) {
$PageID = $_GET['page_id'];
if($PageID == 43) {
<!---Add New Appointment Button--->
<div id="bkbtndiv" align="center" style="padding:5px;">
<button name="addappointment" class="apcal_btn apcal_btn-primary" type="submit" id="addappointment">
<i class="icon-calendar icon-white"></i> <?php
echo $AllCalendarSettings['booking_button_text'];
else echo _e("Schedule New Appointment", "appointzilla");
<?php }
if($PageID == 45) {?>
<!---Show appointment calendar--->
<div id='calendar'>
<div align="right">Appointment Calendar Powered By: <a href="https://appointzilla.com/" title="Appointment Scheduling plugin for WordPress" target="_blank">AppointZilla</a></div>
<!---AppSecondModal For Schedule New Appointment--->
<div id="AppSecondModalDiv" style="display:none;"></div>
<?php } ?>
And you done.
Let me know if all works fine.
(Note: Please make sure plugin deactivated before doing editing in code if your site is live. )
Best Regards