Yeah, I was told by customer service:
“WordPress Multisite isn’t a supported configuration here, and is something we
do not allow on our Web Hosting plans. You would need to be a on a VPS or
dedicated server if you wish to use WordPress Multisite.”
Then someone else replied to my “bummer”
“I want to apologize for the confusion. The $15 is not for parking the domains,
that is if a yearly fee if you would like us to register the domain for you.
We currently do not have a limit to how many domains you can park at this
time. I want to check with you with the Park Domains you are not able to host
individual sites with unique content on them, what those would be is
essentially redirect you to another site that is the primary or an add-on
Also, You are able to host multi-site on our shared packages we simply do not
recommend it, the reason for this is due to the amount of resources it does
require and as you add additional sites you would be forced to upgrade to a
VPS solution with us [if quotas are exceeded].”
So you hosted multisite with them on shared server? They told me that even if domains are parked, if it goes to “unique content” it is an add-on and $5 more a month per site, which means even if they are 1page sites with very, very little traffic, and there are 7 of them getting less traffic all together than the root site, it’s still $35 more a month, which makes it the same as their VPS. I might just look for a VPS on a different host.