• I am looking to develop a new wordpress site and could really do with some help in identifying a suitable theme.
    The website will be a relatively simple info site with the aim of driving traffic. Therefore I need a theme that is very SEO friendly and suitable for advertising.
    I would also like a theme that will allow me to add plugins, specifically the yoast SEO plugin, XML-Sitemaps & PageNavi.
    I have limited experience with WP and have never built a WP site from scratch so I need a simple theme for beginners. I’ve looked at Genesis and Thesis which look great but I think may be a bit too advanced, particularly when it comes to the frameworks, child themes etc.
    In addition I would like something with great support (I’ll need it), that’s secure, regularly updated and that can support video. I’m happy to pay for the right theme.
    I’ve also looked at Canvas & U-design which looked more simple, would these fit the bill?
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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  • Thesis is an excellent premium theme and they provide pretty decent support. It will meet all of your requirements; that said, many other themes do as well. I personally do not think that Thesis too advanced for beginners.

    Hi Bandyboy,

    There are lots of choices out there. Like Gabe mentioned above it’s important to choose a theme that offers after purchase support. I would stick with the companies listed here https://www.ads-software.com/extend/themes/commercial/ as they are all well known and trusted.

    Apologies for asking on your forum but I can’t figure out how to begin my own forum, there is no link to it on the support page. – strange.

    I too am looking for advice on themeing. I was using Oxygen but ran into some problems with it so I am wondering if anyone can recommend a similar theme.

    I like the look of WP opulus. I am an amateur so looking for something relatively straightforward. it’s for a healthy living magazine style & blog.

    Thanks in advance.

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