• I run a large(ish) number of WP based sites, i have a problem that is only occuring in the ones that i am using the latest 3.5 version, everytime i edit any page, any links out that i have put in the post disappear, so i have to go back in and reinsert them. If i want to have two or more different links in one post its almost impossible. When i click to save the fist link and go back in to place a second, as soon as i click save to save the second one, the first one disappears.. Its kind of frustrating…

    Any Ideas??

    I am using pretty link light plugin if it helps.

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  • Moderator t-p


    I could not find this “pretty link light plugin” in the WP free plugin directory. Is this commercial plugin? Make sur its compatible with 3.5

    My links keep disappearing as well as described above. I am also using 3.5. The Theme being used is Atahualpa. I don’t believe this was always an issue. However, now, almost every time there is an update to a page, one or more links disappear.

    Note: I do not use “pretty link light plugin”

    Thread Starter hisnhers


    thanks for your replies.. I have found ( I believe) a cure.
    write the text as usual and then bold/underline any text that you require to be links. then switch to the visual ( code) view and add the link before reverting back to the regular view and posting the article. the links should then stay put.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Lost me on ‘switch to the visual (code) view and add the link before reverting back…”

    You are saying I need to paste the link into the code on the “Text” page instead of using the simple link icon on the “Visual” page?

    Also, that doesn’t help when a picture is used for the link instead of text…. I utilize both.

    Thread Starter hisnhers


    Yes thats correct, write whatever you need to write in ‘Visual’ and then just add the actual link itself in the ‘Text’ view..
    Its not ideal but i find it works – until the problem gets sorted by WP.

    I myself use the visual view for pictures and havent seen too many issues, the problem that i have experienced is mainly when i do text links

    Thanks. Your input gives me something to work with. Also, with being fairly new at this, I am glad in knowing it wasn’t just me, especially in communicating with a client why it is taking so much longer to update pages. I do hope WP gets this bug resolved sooner than later.

    Hmmm. That’s not working for me. Glad it’s working for you.

    I take that back. I wasn’t doing the link properly on the Text view.

    THANK YOU!!! Reapplying all those links all the time was going to be a real time killer.


    I was still running into issues. Someone suggested I create my content in Word and then move it over. I just did several back-to-back links, and pasted into the Visual (I could also paste into Text). They work wonderfully, even after Update. Even after reopening to edit, but I’m now creating Word Docs for each of my pages. Content will all be edited there, and then complete new content will be copied over to WP.

    Don’t paste content from Microsoft Word into WordPress as the pasted text will also contain Word’s own formatting. Sooner or later, this formatting will stop your pages from being displayed correctly (if at all) in Internet Explorer. If you cannot possibly manage without Word, paste your text into NotePad (or another text editor) first, then copy from NotePad into WordPress.

    Or use Windows LiveWriter.

    Thanks esmi. I didn’t even know about there being a Windows LiveWriter. I have it on my computer. You’re awesome!!! (Stop laughing at the newbie.) ??

    We never laugh at new users. After all, we were all new users once. ??

    Thread Starter hisnhers



    Thanks for this, I actually always use word for my posts and have never had problems until this version of WP…, but glad that you have found a solution…..

    by the way I have never heard of Windows LiveWriter either…:) but will def check it out – Thanks Esmi !!

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