• Hi,

    I’m trying to develop my WordPress skills a little. I’ve previously moved some of my functions.php that I use time and time again into a must-use plugin. I’m now trying to make that Object Oriented – with limited success. The code below is an excerpt of my overall code. The first section works perfectly, reducing the excerpt length, but the dashboard tidy doesn’t. Both previously worked as procedural code.

    Any help in solving this would really be appreciated. Also, I’m struggling to understand why it is recommended to use the init rather than putting my actions and filters into the constructor. Can anyone explain this for me?

    class OOtest
        public function __construct()
            add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'init' ) );
        public function init()
            //Tidy up the dashboard
            add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', array( $this, 'tidy_dashboard') );
            //Edit excerpt length
            add_filter('excerpt_length', array( $this,  'custom_excerpt_length') );
        public function tidy_dashboard()
            global $wp_meta_boxes, $current_user;
            // remove incoming links info for authors or editors
            if(in_array('author', $current_user->roles) || in_array('editor', $current_user->roles))
                unset($wp_meta_boxes['dashboard']['normal ']['core']['dashboard_incoming_links']);
            // remove the plugins info and news feeds for everyone
            //Wordpress Development Blog Feed
            //Other WordPress News Feed
            //Quick Press Form
            //Plugins - Popular, New and Recently updated WordPress Plugins
        // Add custom excerpt length
        public function custom_excerpt_length($length)
        { return 55; }
    $foo = new OOtest;
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