• Using WampServer2.2
    my computer set up as LocalHost with WordPress installed in project folder under c:/wamp/www/[projectname]-wp

    Using the guidance of https://budstechshed.com/set-up-wordpress-on-your-own-local-wamp-webserver/ I am stuck on Step 2 and Step 3

    while WAMP services are “started”, when I go to browser “localhost” and click my [projectname] under “Your Projects” I get:

    Not Found
    The requested URL /system-bin/php5exe/[projectname]-wp/index.php was not found on this server.

    When I go to https://localhost/%5Bprojectname%5D-wp/wp-admin/install.php as indicated in Step 3 I get the same results.

    Not Found
    The requested URL /system-bin/php5exe/[projectname]-wp/index.php was not found on this server.

    I have searched all over for file names/folders and content of files for any portion of “/system-bin/php5exe/”. Nothing found.

    thanks in advance for your help!

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