• Store URL: https://www.coalize.it/wordpress/
    WordPress version: 3.5-it_IT
    WP e-Commerce version:
    Gold Cart version: not installed
    Theme: Elegant Themes, MyProduct

    I made a piece of translation for the WP e-Commerce PO Italian file, and in general it works. I have few pieces of text that remain in English. For example, Into Products -> Variants, the text Variation Set translated by me, remain always as Variation Set. I tryed to check the original into the file /wpsc-admin/includes/display-items-functions.php, at line 832, but it seems to me to be ok.
    I checked also some other strings having the same effect. Again at the panel Products -> Variants, the long text starting as Variations allow you to create options for your products, for example if you’re selling T-Shirts they will have a size option…, pertaining to the file /wpsc-admin/admin.php line 471, apparently cannot be translated into Italian.
    I imagine there is some issue in the original file, but I cannot discover it. Please help.


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  • I’ve got the same problem. I’m trying to translate de packingslip but it seems that I haven’t done anything. When I try to translate others page its wordk ok, but not whit the packingslip



    Thread Starter jumborex


    See this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/translate-price-in-frontend?replies=13

    Yes, this may be the solution for the word ‘Price’ as reported in the thread you point at. What I’m saying instead is that also big (very big) chuncks of original text appear not to be translated, also when I prepare the traslation in the PO file. In some cases (I noticed) this seems to have an issue due to the presence in the PO file of strings like \”word\”, that in the original file stay inside something proposed like ‘this is the text and this is the “word” string’: I mean that the “word” between double quotes stays inside a single quoted phrase, and the string between double quotes is not escaped in the original.
    But this is not always the case: as I said in my orginal post, the string Variation Set cannot (apprently) be translated.

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