• Hi there. I would like to make my WordPress site viewable on mobile devices, such as the iPhone, without actually creating a ‘mobile’ version. Right now my site shows up on my iPhone, but everything is too large and will not allow itself to be scaled down or pinch-scaled to fit the screen. I’m not sure why this is. I would like for the full site to be shown on mobile devices without any scaling problems. Any insight into what the problem is and what the solution might be? Thanks!

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  • Using a theme that is designed to work on various size-devices is the easiest way. Alternatively, you’d need to modify the CSS – likely using @media queries. How much CSS do you know?

    Thread Starter Jake Huddleston


    Pretty much no knowledge of CSS…that’s what sucks about being new to WordPress, problems come up that you had no idea about before and you’ve already built your site. Hmmm…what are @media queries?

    Btw, here is the link to my site: https://www.jakehuddleston.com



    If you look at the CSS code for twentytwelve, for example, it automatically adjusts to the size of the screen window — @media queries make that happen.

    You could try changing themes or possibly hire someone to redo the CSS for your existing theme. Where did it come from?

    Thread Starter Jake Huddleston


    The theme is ‘Third Style’ from paomedia. It was a free WordPress theme. I guess I could consider switching themes…it’s just that I’ve done it once before and it’s a hassle to switch over and take advantage of a new format. It may be worth it though…would it be difficult for someone to modify the existing CSS do you think? My roommate knows some CSS and could probably change it for me, but I don’t want to ask him to do it if it’s going to take a lot of work…

    Yes I agree, it can be a big pain to change themes :(. On the other hand, it might be worth it – in the long run you’d probably be better off. It’s really impossible to guess how much work it would be to modify it — potentially quite a lot. You could ask your roommate to look and see what he thinks…he’d need to be knowledgeable about that particular aspect of CSS.

    Thread Starter Jake Huddleston


    Ok, great. Thank you so much for the advice. That’s good to know that there are themes with that functionality already built in. I will begin looking at new themes to consider. Thanks!

    These guys have a plugin but it is not free. https://websitez.com/

    Thread Starter Jake Huddleston


    Alright, so I made the switch to one of WordPress’s basic themes: Twenty Twelve. It is supposed to have mobile capabilities built into it, but even now that I have switched, the mobile version is still not showing up correctly. A completely different set of problems.

    What I would like is not a theme that automatically creates a compatible mobile version, but rather, a theme that will show up on a mobile device exactly the way it appears on a computer screen, and to be able to pinch/zoom around each page. It seems simple but all these themes with ‘mobile’ capability appear to try and convert the site to a mobile version that simply doesn’t work very well. Whether this is based on all the plugins used in the design of the site, I don’t know. But it is still very frustrating…any more advice on how to achieve a simple mobile version of a website?

    I think that what you are looking for are termed as Responsive Themes.

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