Blog within blog
Hi there,
I have a blog which I want to enhance []. Basically instead of just one blog on the top menubar, I want multiple blogs with their own individual categories. I thought of two methods of doing this:
1. Literally have multiple blogs. From my understanding I cant use wp-mu for this as wp-mu is one-blog multi-user while I need multi-blog one-user.
2. Have different pages and different categories with their own sub-category. Each page will be attached to one header category e.g. Category A, AA [sub], B, BB[sub]. Page A1 shows all the posts in and under cat A while page B1 shows all the posts in and under cat B.
Thought many heads would be better than one. Any more suggestions? If any of the above is good then any suggestions on how to implement them? Or any plugin which would help me do this, though I could not find any?
Thanks a lot and warm regards,
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