I looked at Fawayed, but are you talking about the widgets across the top, or the sidebar on the right?
We’ll figure out the exact look later. For now, you need to create a Child Theme for your site.
Below, I copy-and-pasted my instructions from another question. Follow these instructions to create a Child Theme:
Go into your server’s file system where you installed WordPress, and find a folder called “wp-content”. In there, find the “themes” folder.
Create a new folder called “twentytwelvechild” and enter it. Now, we’re going to create a file called style.css
Open up a text editor and paste in the following code:
Theme Name: Twenty Twelve Child
Description: Child theme for the Twenty Twelve theme
Template: twentytwelve
Version: 0.1.0
@import url("../twentytwelve/style.css");
Now save that as “style.css” and upload it your “twentytwelvechild” folder. Congratulations! You have a Child Theme.