Will the above change affect all my manually submitted URLs to iTunes?
Yes. The method I tired explain would only be usable in a case where you would want to redirect one single feed. Because the setting on the podPress > Feed/iTunes Settings page, section “Settings for the default Feeds” would set in all custom post type feeds the itunes:new-feed-url tag. But it is not possible to set different URLs for all the different feeds.
How do I get them to point to this new server?
Well, you could you a further custom code snippet:
add_action('rss2_head', 'pff_modify_rss2_head');
function pff_modify_rss2_head() {
if ( 'audio' === get_query_var('post_type') ) {
$term_data = get_term_by('slug', get_query_var('speaker'), 'speaker');
Switch ($term_data->name) {
case 'John 1' :
echo "\t".'<itunes:new-feed-url>https://example.com/john1</itunes:new-feed-url>'."\n";
case 'John 2' :
echo "\t".'<itunes:new-feed-url>https://example.com/john2</itunes:new-feed-url>'."\n";
case 'John 3' :
echo "\t".'<itunes:new-feed-url>https://example.com/john3</itunes:new-feed-url>'."\n";
This is an example. If you use this code snippet then it is necessary that you adjust the case 'john3' :
lines. Instead of johnx
write the names of the speakers and adjust the values of the new feed URLs.
If you have more than 3 speakers, copy one of the
case 'John 3' :
echo "\t".'<itunes:new-feed-url>https://example.com/john3</itunes:new-feed-url>'."\n";
and paste it is often as you like.
If had enabled the new-feed-url option on the Feed/iTunes settings page then disable it. (This code has collision control and would print simply a further <itunes:new-feed-url>
tag. That could confuse the iTunes server.)