@dramsell, you’re getting the Ajax error on saving with 3.8.8? What ‘sport’ are you using in preferences? Have you made any modifications to any of the files or are you using 3.8.8 as downloaded? (I’m sure I know the answer to that question, but have to ask…)
Just as an FYI, the way the ‘points’ works is if you add a point, that number remains, if you want to add two points you put ‘2’, otherwise you’d lose track of how many points the team has actually earned. In other words, if a team has 8 wins and 2 ties and gets 2 points for a win and 1 for a tie, they should have 18 points. If you add a point to their total to bump them in the standings, then need to do it again, you won’t have a clear record of how many points you added to their total, even though it’s simple math. By keeping the total number of ‘extra points’ clear in the ‘+/- Points’ field, you always know how many have been added.
At least that’s my take on why it works the way it does, keep in mind that I didn’t write that code…