• I have been running a multi user blog for several years now. I recently installed the Mingle Plugin. My question is this. If a user registers on my blog does that automatically register them as a Mingle user?

    My blogs url is https://www.thelesbianquestion.com

    I’ve had people say they are having a hard time registering. I didn’t want all the mingle pages cluttering the blog’s header so I have a Meta login tool bar at the top of the left column and I put the Mingle toolbar just underneath that to display the Mingle pages. I wonder if that’s what’s getting people confused. Any suggestions on how to make clear the mingle portion compared to the blog portion?

    I’ve also discovered that new users aren’t getting new user emails from wordpress when they attempt to register. I hating knowing just enough about all this to drive me crazy…

    Any and all help is appreciated and needed!



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