I was having the same difficulty, below is an answer I found that seems to work well.
First go to your categories-images.php file within the plugin directory for this plugin. Open the file, and near the beginning of it you will find the following lines of code:
add_action('admin_init', 'z_init');
function z_init() {
$z_taxonomies = get_taxonomies();
The above makes this plugin apply to ALL of your taxonomies. To make it so it will work with only one of them, replace the above code with the following code, and where “my_taxonomy_01” is, stick in the name of your taxonomy, specifically the code version of it:
add_action('admin_init', 'z_init');
function z_init() {
'name' => 'my_taxonomy_01'
$output = 'names';
$z_taxonomies = get_taxonomies($args,$output);
Now if you wish to apply the plugin to MULTIPLE SPECIFIC taxonomies, then use the following code replacement, replacing of course where “my_taxonomy_01” and “my_taxonomy_02” are with the specific names of your taxonomies:
add_action('admin_init', 'z_init');
function z_init() {
'name' => ('my_taxonomy_01' && 'my_taxonomy_02')
$output = 'names';
$z_taxonomies = get_taxonomies($args,$output);
For more details about how this was done you can also look up “get_taxonomies” in the Codex, see:
Wellest wishes!