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  • The first option of a select field type can be in brackets to indicate that it must be selected,
    example: Color:,[Please select];Red;Green;Blue

    Thread Starter mattcoff


    Let me try to be clearer about my question–

    When I create a drop-down menu, the default text says “Select”

    Can I change that default text? If so, how?

    Putting [Please select] in brackets next to one of my drop-down options doesn’t change the initial default drop-down menu text.


    Please reply with a link to your form

    Also what web browser are you using?

    Thread Starter mattcoff


    Here’s the link:

    I’m using Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.

    Thread Starter mattcoff



    I’m following up on this topic.

    Is there any way to change the default “Select” text that automatically appears in a contact form’s drop down menu to something else, like “Select One:”?

    Sorry for the delay. On the form edit page is a label setting you can change.
    Help page:

    Look for these two labels, of you add a new label, it replaces the default text.
    Department to Contact:

    Mattcoff Hello, this is the solution!

    You can create a new pulldown menu, because you installed a plugin on your WordPress site. In my case, I installed the plugin: “advanced menu widget“.

    1) Search into your WordPress installation folder, and found the folder of your plugin. In my case:

    wp-content> plugins> advanced-menu-widget

    2) Edit the file: wp-content-widget.php

    3) Look up the word “Select” and Replace with the word you want. In my case “more info”.

    4) Save and enjoy!


    You replied to an 8 month old topic that was already resolved. I am marking it resolved.

    I’m so sorry. But the answer you gave, solved the problem in the contact form’s drop down menu, but did not solve the problem for other additional menu created within a WordPress page made with the plugin: Advanced Menu Widget. I think if Mattcof asked: “Is there a way to change the default text That appears in a drop down menu?” Does not mean that the problem was occurring in a Contact Form.
    In any case, I think the proposed solution could help others as it helped me with my problem.

    Best Regards from Caracas Venezuela

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