New 3.5.1 MU install – crashes when Domain Mapping plugin activated
I have a few MU Sites running on 3.4.1 and despite some glitchy things denying permissions when activating a plugin and having to restore the database as we all get logged out permanently, I love it.
My issue now is brand new clean 3.5.1 install, activate network. write wpconfig and htaccess all as directed. Install wordpress MU Domain Mapping plugin in all ok.
Network set up as subdirectory type.
When clicking plugin network activate – page goes blank and comes back with redirect loop errors. No more pages can be accessed.
We need to uninstall wp installation, and re-install each time. Cant get passed activating plugin. tried 4 times clean.
Hoping our Hero Ron coud help us out.
If we can get get it working on 3.5.1 we’d like to know if we can easily ugrdae our working domain mapped 3.4.1. sites to current wp 3.5.1 – Any insight appreciated. Thanks in advance Ron.
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