• Just installed the plugin, setup a playlist and went to import. The import starts, but never gets beyond:

    Total Videos Imported: 0
    Attempting to download videos 1 through 50 from playlist: "Mike Plays"
    Feed URL for this query: https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/PLzBgbc-Vvthj143Q2fxwKRvs4GfIVGpBL?v=2

    The feed url is correct and I’ve played with the memory option with no change. With no error message I’m not sure where to begin to fix this.

    Plugin Ver is 3.1


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  • Thread Starter vinull


    The current version of the plugin doesn’t work it seems. In parse.php line 149, the extracting of the video id is incorrect. Interesting there is correct logic commented out right below it. Editing these lines I can get imports working yet post thumbnails are not set.

    Will post if I get those working as well.

    Thread Starter vinull


    Okay, digging deeper the plug it’s sets the postmeta _thumbnail_id to the youtube video id – how did this ever work? I don’t think it did…

    Thread Starter vinull


    With help from this stackexchange post https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/40301/how-do-i-set-a-featured-image-thumbnail-by-image-url-when-using-wp-insert-post I’ve added correct thumbnail images.

    If anyone is interested, I posted a copy of the edited parse.php here: https://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=z1pPfuqn

    NOTE: if you’re not sure what to do with that, you probably shouldn’t be messing with it =)

    We appreciate this magnificent plugin and understand the risk of using free software for commercial sites. Hopefully mpraetzel sees this and merges it into the plugin core — it would be nice if we could reliably provide this to clients without fear of angry phone calls :/

    EDIT: @vinull After adding your fixes to parse.php, I started getting errors all over the place with the text below — client info omitted for security reasons.

    “Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by” & “/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876”

    I think the error I mentioned above may have occurred due to a line return I either copied or inadvertently added at to top of the parse.php file.

    Were you guys able to have the description working too? I made the changes to the parse.php file, now I have the videos and the thumbnails but I don’t have the description coming up correctly.


    Thread Starter vinull


    Yes, I have descriptions being imported to the body of the post.

    It’s weird, I placed your new parse.php, I always get Dec 31 2012 as a post date, on most of the posts I get no description, on some I get only 1 letter and on only 2 of 25 I get the full description. I don’t know how it can happen

    Thread Starter vinull


    You should probably revert back and try to contact the plugin author for help, it sounds like other things may be going wrong or these changes don’t handle some other cases correctly.


    Total Videos Imported: 0

    Attempting to download videos 1 through 50 from channel: “bbc”

    Feed URL for this query: https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/bbc/uploads?orderby=published&max-results=50&start-index=1

    @egyart: There are more constructive ways to ask for assistance. Everyone is in a rush to fix what the need working on their sites.

    @vinull et al: Still having issues with the Channel-based imports but playlists work. Not sure what’s going on with that, but for the time being we’re OK with playlists.

    @hifidesign, you don’t have any problems picking up the description from playlists?

    Thread Starter vinull


    I’m taking a guess purely from looking at the thread, but the channel import feeds don’t appear to have a “v=2” parameter telling youtube which API version to use. From some tests in my browser, if you don’t have that added the format of the feed is changed and the “videoid” field is not present.

    If you’re so bold, you could hack the plugin to append “&v=2” to the request url and then my changes should work. Assuming of course this doesn’t also break more things that depend on the v1 of the API (however youtube is currently testing v3 so depending on v1 is not a great idea)

    I found what is causing my problems with the description… if the first paragraph is long enough, everything is great. If it is really short, there is a return in the xml file and that is causing to only take the first letter of the second paragraph and show it.


    Bad one:
    <title>CrossFit Oldtown – Teaching the Kipping Pull-Up</title>

    Good one:
    <title>How to do CrossFit Double Unders

    Number of words before WordPress’ “More” tag: 1000 (I don’t know if it has any effect).

    If any of you guys is good enough in php to help me parse this xml correctly, I would really appreciate it.

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