• leggsrobbins


    When I upload any of the more “advanced” themes (by which I mean anything besides the basic eight or ten that are readily available when you first create your webpage), I consistently get the “stylesheet missing” error. I had this error with the basic eight or ten, but in those cases I was able to correct it simply by making sure I uploaded the folder inside the primary folder (if that makes sense), rather than the primary folder itself. However, that hasn’t helped in this case.

    Is there something else I need to upload? If not, how can I correct this problem?

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  • frdrk


    What is the address to your site? Post it and maybe someone can help you out.



    besides the basic eight or ten that are readily available when you first create your webpage

    Hmmm. WP comes with 2 (two) themes: default and classic.



    Good call moshu. Must be wp.com he’s using?



    how would he upload it? WP.com doesn’t allow uploading. perhaps it’s WP MU on another site that has a few more capabilities

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