Justin [KCYAP] made contact with me a few months ago, asking if I would share the code for the Theme Viewer, as he wanted a means of displaying all the themes in his competition. We [Alphaoide, Steve and myself] had a bit of a think about it and decided that the best course of action was to throw all the competition themes in the Theme Viewer and tag them as Competition Entries. This seemed to be a logical move and Justin came back with a response saying that he would like to follow that suggestion.
He then asked me to be a judge and I said I would be glad to help out. He also said he would start sending some themes in the next day or so – but they never arrived. And that, to put it simply, is the END.
I have not heard anything again from Justin and had no replies from emails asking if this was still happening and did he still want me to be a judge. Judging can be a very time-consuming task and I wanted to try and make a few plans so that it would not become too onerous.
But it looks as if something sinister has happened to Justin or the competition has just fallen over for whatever reason.
If anyone does find out what is really going on – please let me know:)
And Justin – if you need help and feel weighted down with all of this – just holler and I am sure people will come to your aid ??