• Hi Everyone,

    I’m a university student and am hoping to do a study on WordPress. As part of the study, I’d like to study the innovative ways users are actually using wordpress. Above and beyond straight up blogging, are people out there using it for other purposes? Here’s what I’ve found out so far:

    * Planet blogging (multi-blogs)

    Would love to hear thoughts, comments and examples of how everyone is using wordpress.


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  • WP doesn’t have the possibility of multiblogging. That’s WordPress MU (=multiuser) https://mu.www.ads-software.com
    and we don’t know anything about it – it is not suppoerted in this forum.

    As for your question: many people use it as a CMS (content management system), especially since version 1.5 where the Pages feature was introduced.

    moshu, I may be wrong but I think Tommy meant one could, through the use of one of the refeed (syndication) plugins, use WordPress as an aggregation site (akin to https://planet.www.ads-software.com). If not, that would certainly be one of those “various uses.”

    Yes, probably you got it right. I think I was mislead by the word “multi-blogs” and didn’t even think about the Planet site.

    Don’t know if it is interesting to you, but I’m usein mine for a few things in one. Only 65% completed though…I’m too busy doin other stuff ta truly focus on it.

    Mainly it is for search engine optimizing and a bit of web design, but I have placed all the SEO and design stuff in the side bar and loaded the main posts or blog catagories with ridiculous stories…the idea being that I can SEO this site for the SEO and Design, but by stickin in a ton of completly unrelated content I can pull in a masive veriety of other users…not just poeple lookin for the optimizing stuff…sort of like leading people to a store that they didn’t expect to be in yet they still get what they want and i can sell my wares to ten times as many people at the same time. Or the opisite could happen…they could come in for optmizing and end up getting entertained.

    Ive also thrown up a page with names and short discroptions of people from my past so when they eventualy run a query on there names…they find my site.

    It is so roughly set up right now, but if ya looked at it and understood my diabilical idea…you may think its pretty frikin cool…or at least potentialy cool if I can actualy get it done!!!

    Gona be setting up one for my moms fan fiction stuff too…its all ready ta go…just need time.

    it is still just a blog. (And as far as I know most WP blogs don’t need your seo tricks: they rank high if they have good content, Just my $0.02)

    Thread Starter tommy_is_here


    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for the responses. Yes, re. multi-blogging, I was talking about the way some users are using WordPress to run Planets.

    CMS – very cool. Are there any examples you could point me to that I check out?

    Have any of you seen any other funky ways users are using WordPress?

    Thanks for being so helpful!


    I actually have a WP site that I hacked to turn it into a directory service, which is completely unrelated to blogging in any way.

    It’s been up for a while, but we haven’t actually done much with it yet because we haven’t had the time (I built it for the company I work for). Plus, I really want to give it a different look one day, but I figured since I wasn’t using it as a blog, the default Kubrick worked just swell. ??

    https://lakewoodpride.com if you want to take a look.

    RE: WordPress as CMS.

    There was a recent thread in the WP Hackers mailing list on this very topic (a number of sites were brought up):


    FruitFly – interesting…. check out https://esyndicat.com/

    No blogging – just CMS: https://www.shakespeare-oxford.com/

    I thought of one use where WordPress still functions much like a blog, but the content is purely intended as a resource–in this case WP-related info for (mainly plugin) developers:


    vkaryl – That would probably have done what we wanted to do too… but I like my own little solution. ??

    Actually, ours is meant more as a community service type thing rather than a link exchange – most of the businesses we’d be listing (if we ever get out there and get them into it) don’t even have an Internet presence at all. (Lakewood, OH is a bit behind technology wise.) LakewoodPride is meant to be more like a yellow pages sort of thing, and I wanted the ability for each business to have their own page.

    I too have that problem…. but I use the software for bricks n mortar as well, with a couple of options for “this is my page….” for businesses that haven’t yet figured out the uses of or relevance of a web presence. You haven’t MET “behind” until you’ve met Southern Utah….

    Want to talk s’more, you can email me: vkaryl *AT* bytehaven *DOT* com.

    I’m planning to use this as a help desk platform for a small college that I work at ??

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