• heatherkehoe


    How do I change the Content slider height? My images are cropped at the recommended 962px width, but I would like the height of the slider to be 800px. Any help would be great. Thank You!

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  • Sanjip Shah



    In the fuctions.php file of the theme you will find following line of code.
    add_image_size( 'slider', 962, 390, true); // used on Featured Slider on Homepage Header
    Change it to
    add_image_size( 'slider', 962, 800, true); // used on Featured Slider on Homepage Header
    Then you have to regenerate the thumbnails in order to cut your images as per the new size. https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
    If you change the code directly then you will lose the changes in updates. So, better make child theme and make the changes there if you are familiar with making the child theme.

    After you make the changes also you may still not see the changes due to caching. So, go to theme options and click on one of the save all changes button of any bar. You will only then see the changes.

    Hope this helps.

    Team Horse

    Thread Starter heatherkehoe


    Hi Sanjiv, thank you so much for your help. I have a child site and created a functions.php file in my child site folder. When I made the following change, my site went blank! Did I write something incorrectly?

    /* Functions file for the clean-retina-child theme*/

    function cleanretina_core_functionality()

    add_image_size( ‘slider’, 962, 800, true); // used on Featured Slider on Homepage Header


    normally yes this is the right way

    Hi heatherkehoe,

    Could you post you all code so attach your php file. I would like to look into it.
    The code you have added is not complete adding that much only will not give you what you are looking for.

    Theme Horse Team


    I am running into the same difficulty as the original poster. I have a fairly lengthy functionc.php file in my child theme – do you want me to post it here?

    Thank you for your time and for a terrific theme. ??

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