• barbfree


    I am amazed that I have been posting in this forum for weeks asking for help and no one ever provided me any help in resolving the problems I encountered trying to use WordPress.
    I read through all of the threads I could bear to read and saw how many others with similar problems didn’t get help.
    But as soon as I vent my frustration in this “forum” my comment receives more responses than ever.
    Where were all of you when I needed help? If you’re all such geniuses with this program, where were you with your bright ideas and snazzy-come backs when I asked for help?

    Instead of most of the respondees ever having offered assistance during my previous threads, they feel they have to “man-up”(obviously the only place in the world they’d dare to try doing that) and either defend wordpress(like it needs defending) or attack me.

    If Wp worked correctly I would still be using it. But it didn’t.
    I have begun using Blog freeware and it worked immediately and continues working without one problem.
    I also am trying, out of curiosity, one called Planarchy.
    It too installed easily and there haven’t been any glitches. As a matter of fact it’s quite nice.
    All of the functions work correctly and all I can say is I encountered one problem after another trying to use WP.

    My friends went to other blog programs and didn’t encounter the problems they did with WP. They grew frustrated as well after also trying to get help with problems using wordpress and getting no support.

    The defenders of wordpress should consider the fact, look at the amount of threads in this forum and how many go unanswered, that there are problems with this program.
    Some may be fortunate enough to not encounter the problems but many have and do.
    The fact that this forum is listed as “support” is a misnomer and the only support I experienced through this forum seems to be in defending WP.
    Had anyone offered me sincere help through wordpress, I would gladly have stayed with it.

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  • Cypher


    Running a website isn’t for everyone. Which is why free services such as Blogger.com and LiveJournal.com flourish. They allow the novice to put up a blog and spend their time writing about issues/entries that matter to them rather than administering a site of their own.

    That being said, WordPress, like any other stand alone software is good for people who know what they are doing. I’ve tried many different software from simple blogging tools to full blown CMS’ and being a Software Engineer by trade it doesn’t take me too long to figure the software out and solve any problems that I may run into.

    I have no intention of defending WP or any other software. I’ve been using it successfully on my site for more than a year. Others my have had a tougher time.

    A lot of times people who really shouldn’t be administering their own sites attempt to do so and run into a variety of trouble, are incapable of fixing it and blame the volunteers here for their inability in helping.

    Finally, if you’ve indeed switched to another program, then good luck with that. There is no need for you to return here to vent your frustration with a software you no longer use.


    barbfree, no point in fretting. you started your support thread barely 2 days back. the people who provide support here are volunteers who donate their time & skills to a software and community they like and support. they are not being paid for their efforts, so behaving as if the people here are responsible to solve your problems, well, that’s not a good thing to do. if you want accountability etc. then either hire a developer who knows WordPress inside out or look for a paid solution like MovableType!!

    so stop behaving childishly, every software has its problems and shortcomings, none is free of them since we don’t live in a perfect world. ??

    also, it helps others to know what version of WordPress you are using, along with the PHP version & if you can, the host you are hosting with. this kind of information increases the probability of getting a quick response, instead of just posting that you are having an X problem!!

    and I’ve replied to your support thread, see if it leads to anything further!! ??



    Dont expect 100s to rush to you help with any form of attitude like this.

    9/10 the issuse has already been resolved and some quick searching on here or on the codex will find you a answer.

    Also just as above, most people who do help people out on this forum do so off there own back and dont check the forums 24/7

    Thread Starter barbfree


    Following up on a post I placed is commmon practice for using forums throughout the web.
    To write something and never look back is chicken shit.. a personality flaw as you undoubtedly support and perhaps practice.

    And ooh..you used the word “caio”, how urbane and worldly.

    And you know, alot of people shouldn’t profess or act as though they are helpful when all they are is powertripping.

    I see your supportive measures go so far as to write me off when I do nothing more than explain a real life situation.
    To dismiss it as “people who really shouldn’t be administering their own sites” flies in the face of what WP is supposed to be about.
    But then, maybe that’s the biggest flaw with WP.



    Try explaining your problem abit better than just “its not working”

    Its a bit hard for ppl to help you if we have no clue as to whats happening.

    For all we know you could have installed some custom made theme thats not for 2.01 or could even be broken in its self.

    Your attitude sucks and i hope you have fun pulling your head out of your arse

    Thread Starter barbfree


    Nice support system there flunky..

    There seems little point in this continuing.


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