banner in suffusion
My question is very simple but I don’t now how to proced :
How to put a banner in top of the suffsion theme ?
Thank you !
Try asking on the theme’s dedicated forum:
You may get a faster response there.Go to the Suffusion Options board, and look at the “Sidebars” section. There you’ll see the various widget areas that are available. The diagram indicates where each widget area is located. Open the widget area you wish to use, and first make sure it says “enabled”. After that, configure it as you want it to look, including how many “columns” in the drop down.
Then, go to the “Widgets” area and insert a Text Widget into the Sidebar Widget that you just configured, and insert your banner into that Widget. Your banner should now be visible on the site.
By the way, if you need the banner to show up only on specific pages, you need to use a plugin like Widget Logic or other.
I’ve posted on the forum about 5 times in the last year (with no response) I’ve been trying to figure this out. Is there a way to tie a banner image or slider image on the home page to just go to a page, and avoid a post. Any ideas? Thanks!
First, banner and slider are very different. Banner is an image or requires code. A slider is built into Suffusion, or you can use an external plugin like Nevo or such.
What you show as your Home Page is what you decide upon in the Settings-Reading area of WP. If you want the standard blog roll and/or a slider, then leave the setting as it is and go into the Suffusion panel and under Featured, determine where you want the slider to show up. If you want a distinct page as your home page, include that particular “static” page as your Home page in the Reading settings. If you want a slider to show up anywhere else (anywhere you’d like), use the many widget areas and insert the Featured widget into that Widget area. If you want the slider on a page or post, Suffusion used to allow you Ad-Hoc widget areas to do this, but WordPress won’t allow it, so instead, use the plugin Widgets on Pages, and include the Featured widget in the Newly created Widget and inert the ShortCode for that new widget on the page or post.
I hope some of that made sense to you. Suffusion is one of the only Themes that allows you this much flexibility. And, you can take it a step further with the Custom Layout, which is an aggregation of some Widget areas at your disposal that can be used on any page.
Hi !
Thanks for your reply !
bobschecter, I finaly manage to put a ban in the header customisation (the ban appear after few minutes). But I have some trouble : in doing so, when the ban is put like a backgournd, the image have the good width but not not the good height. And the title blog, that I don’t want is in front of this image.
When i put the ban in the foreground header, the size of the blog skin is not respected ; but I can see the image entirely.
So I try your way, but i don’t now how to put the image in the widget. Where exactly coul’d I configure it ? Did i have to slide the “widget above header” bouton somewhere ?
Thanks you for the help ! And please excuse my very poor english !
I’m from Brooklyn, I’m used to poor English :).
You use the term “Banner”, but a Banner infers an advertisement of some sort and often includes code for a link or call to action. If that’s what you need, then you must use the widget above header.
However, it seems you are just trying to put an image or logo in the header. If that’s the case, the you first need to decide if it’s to be a background image or a foreground image. A background image is really meant to go behind the site title and tagline. A foreground image is meant to replace the site title and tagline.l A foreground image will be clickable (a link that takes the reader back to the home page).
Both types must first be established in the Skinning area. Try different setting so you understand what they do, including the difference between the Theme Style and the Custom Style. Generally if you are going to do anything custom, you must click on the Custom Style, of course.
Both also require manipulation in the Other Graphical Elements area. Again, there are variables and the best way to understand them is to try them.
As to what you call “respecting the size of the blog”, the difference is how you set the header in the Other Graphical Elements area. Inside the wrapper will contain it to the size of the blog.
Suffusion is both good and bad. The good is that it allows you to do almost anything with your site. The bad is that is allows you to do almost anything with your site. Either way, there are several instruction type blogs on the Aquoid site, and a few users that have developed some instruction sheets. Check out Manuel Ruiz’ site:
thank you for your long reply ! It help me a lot !
I’v try many think and I thing I on the right track maintenance now. But I’v see we have the possibility to do a rotated set of image. I’v try many thing but nothnig happen ! How to do it please ?
Thank you again ! ??
Some themes, like Twenty-Eleven, offer a rotating image in the header. Suffusion does not.
Suffusion offers a rotating “Featured” section, which key’s on images included in your posts that you determine to be featured.
As I said, Suffusion offers a ton of variables, but if you have some specific look that you want to accomplish, you might find a theme that more closely resembles that look, right out of the box. Perhaps something like No matter what you choose, remember that nothing in WordPress is plug-n-play.
I’m a little confused, what the option “Use a rotating set of images from a folder” for ? And also “Folder for Rotating Header background”.
Thank you !
Repost : I manage to do it !!
My mistake was to put the full url of the folder, we just have to put for exemple /ban for a folder name “ban” in wp-content !
Thank you for your very long help ??
Good grief, you are correct. I forgot all about that feature.
Glad you got it worked out.
It because of you pushing me trying different seating ! Thank again. ??
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