• NuclearMoose


    Hey, gang.
    As someone recently said, “Lest you confuse authoritarianism with technical ability,” I have come to realize that WordPress and all things associated with it are simply over my head, and that my desire to assist people is, apparently, nothing more than my ego trying to prove that I am something that I am not.
    I look forward to remaining as part of the WordPress community, but in the role of a user who is here to learn and keep my mouth shut. I applaud all those people who give freely of their time and talents on a daily basis and who ask nothing more than a simple “thank you” in return. You are a great bunch of people, and I’m happy to be in the community with you all.
    I have removed all WordPress documentation from my site, so as to not pass along inadequate information.
    I’m sure I will have plenty of questions to ask in the near future.
    Thanks, everyone, and remember to have fun.

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  • Nick Momrik


    Craig, don’t let the foolishness get to you. I only briefly scanned the whole topic, but I know that you are a very valuable asset to the community. Keep on truckin brother!



    NM: I think it was very brave, very honest and very humble of you to post this. I now have 100% more respect for you for admitting that tutorials and such are more than your skills can handle. A lot of people would just carry on bluffing and getting defensive when the flaws were pointed out. It’s refreshing to see somebody putting their ego aside for the good of the community.

    Don’t go deleting things now, it’s still too close to the action.
    I’ve read that thread, and I can see why you are upset (who would not be), but ..
    I liked the humour (okay, I’ve had no huge problems) but it was the humour that suggested that problems *would* be listened to, it was the humour that said to me that here were a bunch of people who realised life was more than a bunch of code.
    Writing tutorials is actually damn hard – what do you put in, what do you leave out – but your CSS tutorial was good, and I for one think it deserves it’s place on the Wiki.
    For people posting to this forum with just WP issues, I think the forum does a great service. Where it may start to fall over is when people post because they’ve added this, or taken away that, or ‘”How do I make it do something else” and really, but then that starts to drop outside of the WP remit and I think that any help given then is one hell of a bonus. But I’ve seen you offer that many times. Just recently in fact you did .. I would have done for the same person but the code wasn’t a mess, it was a complete disaster area.
    You’ve posted 671 times here now. I don’t know what the rate is, but I’d hate to see it drop.
    Take care

    Moderator Matt Mullenweg


    WillM, I’m not sure how to say this, but while I’m not sure of the intention of most of your posts, many come across as insulting. I don’t know if you’re very sarcastic, or what. Maybe your style of speaking doesn’t translate well online. Tutorials are not at all more than NM can handle, in fact he’s “handled” it extradinarily well. Sure he has flaws, we all do. However NM leaving the community wouldn’t be good for the community, in fact it would be a huge loss.



    i like the way u irritate me over my affinity for that ‘O’ word.
    u dont leave doing that now… ??



    I agree it would be a huge loss for the community if NM left. He has provided a lot of help to users that most of us don’t have the patience to deal with. I was congratulating him for having the honesty to admit that he can’t do everything.
    allusion: I guess we got off on the wrong foot, and some people find it harder to forgive and forget than others do. I’m not great with words and my comments often get misinterpreted. I try not to take that as a personal attack on me, even if it often comes across that way, because life’s too short to stress about that stuff ??



    matt – I hate to say it, but you might need to start blocking anon posters and/or have a moderation system. This is a travesty, to say the least. I don’t like even the concept of restricting people in a forum like this, but get enough negative people slinging stuff that makes the signal to noise ratio drop, and we lose the community in the process…



    Nuclear Moose- Help all you can. I think your site kicks butt and I would like to see you continue as you have been doing. This whole thing will blow over.



    Hi craig, you better put your data back online!! We cannot code without you!
    Dont let the trolls run your world – they have eaten too much nuclear moose ??



    If my testimony is any good:
    I have been helped a lot by NuclearMoose. By his tutorial, by the comments on the CSS file, and by his answers to other people’s posts. And when i posted a question, i hoped he would be among those who read it.
    Please don’t stop helping, we need you!



    I just read the post(s) from anonymous. In plain english, he is simply a lost soul starving for attention with far too much time on his hands and seems to want to practice his writing skills. All his yabbering is meaningless banter. Much ado about nothing, if you ask me.
    On the flip side, Word Press must be doing something right. It has found a permanent home with cPanel users in the Fantastico section. I installed it through fantastico in 3 clicks and everything works fine, except for the links area.
    When I add a link, it does not show up. Any ideas?
    One more thing…Annonymous…..get a life!



    Ok one more thing.
    Nuclear Moose. I cannot believe that you let one lost soul insult you to the point of you removing all your hard work. He is a fool who cannot get what he wants in a timely fashion, writes about it eloquently and you cave to his whim.
    Shame on you Moose and Screw you anonymous (or should we call him “no balls”)



    *HUGS* Craig! I for one don’t think you are under qualified for anything you put your mind to. I write tutorials and I have taken some flack for it from some people. I don’t worry about it though as I know what I have in my email box, a lot of thank you’s. I don’t think you should have taken anything down, you should put up your contributions on your site or in the WIKI if you choose. Screw ’em basically. Put them back up! Everyone should be able to contribute if they want to. That’s what is so cool about this community!!
    I think that *some* people who post as an anon person have a few issues. Maybe they just are shy about their sites or don’t want to get involved…sometimes I wonder if they aren’t just sh*t stirrers. I usually tack a line on a reply in a thread with an anon person which basically requests that they join the site it is free after all. Most do, in fact there’s at least one in this thread that has after one of my requests. It’s impossible to view a site without a url, y’know. Besides, it lends to the credibility of someone that actually has an opinion, strong opinions sometimes, about a topic, if they can and have installed and can have are running a CMS such as WP confidently.
    The anon person in the thread that was closed had a few problems installing the CMS and was lashing out to everyone that would listen. I have 2 teenage daughters, I’m used to the drama, I don’t even pay attention to it on any message board unless it’s really someone asking for help, not stirring up trouble, such as this person was doing.
    Yeah, I could be way off the mark with this, but I think I’m right on target.


    Pretty difficult to post your WP url when you can’t get the app installed.



    You don’t need to add a URL to become a member of the forums.
    NM, I agree with everyone! Don’t let one person spoil it for everyone. I for one found your docs a great resource.

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