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  • Go to your Dashboard –>Settings –> Subscribe to Comments –> Options tab at the top page…

    You’ll have the option to automatically subscribe the author and/or to let the administrator subscribe, whichever you need.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter Skalibur1


    Thanks for the support!!
    Topic closed

    Thread Starter Skalibur1


    Ren V
    I followed your instructions and I activated it ” Automatically subscribe authors to their own articles” and dont work.

    The rest of the plugin works very well, but just the “Automatically subscribe authors to their own articles” dont work.

    I tested it with new users and new post.

    Wordpresss 3.5.1
    PLugin 2.0.2

    Can you help me?

    BEst Regards!!!

    If I’m understanding correctly, you’ve created new Authors and new Posts using those Authors?

    I attempted to re-create your situation and had no problems. I received follow up emails on all around (admin, author and the email used for making comments). Here are a few questions:

    If you are not receiving the follow up emails, are you receiving them with your admin email? If yes, check your author’s spam folder. If no, check in your Discussion settings to verify you have checked the box for “Email me whenever: Anyone posts a comment”. By default, WP emails the Admin AND Author. I just recently learned this (like most, I assumed it only emailed the admin). So you will need this option enabled.

    On the main settings page for the plugin, it will show a list of users subscribed to the posts. Is the author one of them? Also, visit the post logged in as the author. Underneath the comment box where it gives subscription options, it should say that you are subscribed.

    Assuming you are subscribed, it is only a matter of receiving the follow up emails. So check your Discussion settings and your Author’s spam folder.

    Thread Starter Skalibur1


    Thanks for you fast response.

    I followed all your instructions and I found the problem!!!

    Case 1:
    When the users do a post from /wp-admin/post-new.php the Subscribe To Comments Reloaded works fine and the auhor recive the email notification to new comments if it is enabled…. ALL OK!! I receive a 2nd WP alert email from “Email me whenever” general WP setting if is enabled too.

    Case 2
    But if the user do a new post from the frontEnd plugin “WP User Frontend 1.1 version ( the last ) from his custom newpost page, the Comment Reloaded dont work for the author post ( dont works the Subscribe authors automatic ).

    I recive just 1 email from WP general setting “Email me whenever: Anyone posts a comment”, but not from Subscribe To Comments Reloaded plugin with his custom text ( I should recibe 2 emails like the case 1 )

    For some reason there is an inconsistency between this frontend plugin and Subscribe To Comments Reloaded .

    Can you guide me with some advice?
    Thanks for the support and sorry for my unrefined english ( I from spain ).

    note: Are you the author plugin? ??


    No worries about your English. =) It is a strong possibility that Subscribe to Comments Reloaded could be conflicting with your other plugin. I am not the author of the plugin so I wouldn’t know how to get the two to work together, if indeed they are conflicting. I would get in touch with him to get some more specifics. Sorry I couldn’t help more.

    Best regards,


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