• Resolved eric.downing


    I’m able to encode a video, and the new encoded videos are saved to my uploads folder. It doesn’t seem like the plugin is using the new encoding videos.

    Code rendered from shortcode

    <div id="video_818_div" class="kgvid_videodiv"><video id="video_818" controls preload='metadata' poster='https://i-removed-the-thumb-url.jpg' width='239' height='134' class='video-js kg-video-js-skin' data-setup='{}'>
    <source id='video_818_src_original' src='https://i-removed-my-url.mp4' type='video/mp4'>

    What I would expect to see

    <div id="video_818_div" class="kgvid_videodiv"><video id="video_818" controls preload='metadata' poster='https://i-removed-the-thumb-url.jpg' width='239' height='134' class='video-js kg-video-js-skin' data-setup='{}'>
    <source id='video_818_src_original' src='https://i-removed-my-url.mp4' type='video/mp4'>
      <source src="my_video.webm" type='video/webm'>
    <!-- Other sources using different encoding would go below here-->


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  • Plugin Author Kyle Gilman


    Were the videos encoded by my plugin? Are they in the same uploads subfolder as your original video? Does the plugin recognize the other format’s existence in the WordPress admin area? If you go to a video’s page in the media library does it say “Encoded” next to the WEBM checkbox?

    Thread Starter eric.downing


    I encoded the videos with your plugin. They are in the same upload folder, and they say “encoded” next to the other formats.

    • 480p H.264 Encoding Complete
      Delete Permanently
    • WEBM Encoding Complete
    • OGV Encoding Complete
      Delete Permanently

    I do not see the new videos when I check the media page. I manually checked the folder and they were saved. Currently in the uploads/2013/03

    Plugin Author Kyle Gilman


    That is puzzling. Can you give me a link to look at? If you don’t want to post it publicly, email me at [email protected]

    Thread Starter eric.downing


    The issue was w3 total cache. After removing the W3 everything is working.

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