• JarkkoL


    I just installed the NavXT plugin, but I’m not able to check the “Blog Breadcrumb” checkbox (“Place the blog breadcrumb in the trail.”) I got an ecommerce site which has Blog, but for each blog post I would like the blog post title to be preceded with “Blog” in the breadcrumb navigation. Now it just shows the blog post title right after the homepage. How can I add this?

    Thanks, Jarkko


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  • Thread Starter JarkkoL


    Just to clarify, when I click “Blog” page it shows the Blog in breadcrumb just fine, i.e. “My Site > Blog”. The problem is that the blog post itself shows straight under My Site (i.e. “My Size > My Post”) while I like to show it under Blog (i.e. “My Site > Blog > My Post”).

    Thanks, Jarkko

    Thread Starter JarkkoL


    Apparently this can be done with “Post Parents” plugin (https://github.com/mtekk/Post-Parents) and setting the parent page for each post. Would be nice to have some default for all blog posts though.

    Cheers, Jarkko

    Thread Starter JarkkoL


    It seems that “Post Parents” plugin fixes only the issue for blog posts, but Archives still go under main page (e.g. “My Site > 2013 > March”, while I would like this to go under “My Site > Blog > 2013 > March”. Is there any way to fix this?

    I also tried the Breadcrumb plugin by Yoast, but while that works for Blog as expected, it messes up my Shop page. So I guess NavXT is still easier to fix to work as expected.

    Edit: Also blog categories go under main page and not under Blog ):

    Thanks, Jarkko

    Thread Starter JarkkoL


    Ok, finally made it to work. These fixes required some code tweaks to the plugin though.

    Cheers, Jarkko

    Plugin Author John Havlik


    If you had to modify the plugin you probably ended up heading down the wrong path. The Blog breadcrumb options are only available if you have a “Page for Posts” set in Settings > Reading. “Post Parents” is only for when you are doing things in an unintended manner, not for replacing the “Page for Posts”.

    Thread Starter JarkkoL


    I didn’t find any other way for the plugin to behave correctly. Unlike NavXT, the plugin by Yoast actually has option to make a blog under a specific page to behave as expected, while I couldn’t find such option in NavXT. The website in question I’m working on is here and it’s using Woocommerce.

    In fill() function I had to change the archive management (starting line 1053) as follows:

    $type = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
    			//For date based archives
    				$this->add(new bcn_breadcrumb('Blog', $this->opt['Hpost_page_template'], array('post-' . $post->post_type, 'current-item'), '/blog/'));
    			//For taxonomy based archives
    			else if(is_category())
    				$this->add(new bcn_breadcrumb('Blog', $this->opt['Hpost_page_template'], array('post-' . $post->post_type, 'current-item'), '/blog/'));
    			else if(is_tag() || is_tax())

    This is obviously tailored for my case, but if there’s a better way I would like to know it.

    Cheers, Jarkko

    Plugin Author John Havlik


    If you are using a static front page, you should be using the “Front Page” and “Posts Page” settings under General > Reading. That is the officially supported way of creating a static front page and moving the blog to a subpage (it is the only method I know that works reliably and is how most plugins expect it to be working). Breadcrumb NavXT does not contain an additional setting as it is redundant.

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