thanks for your feedback!
I’ll try to give my thoughts on this:
– Drag and drop for reorganizing: Yes, you are right, that this is the only way, and it is usually a good way, but I agree that it can be tedious in the case of row 254 to 5. Is the need to move rows that “far” a result of your data, or how does it happen that a row has to be moved that far? (If this is a newly added row, you could use the “Insert” feature instead, maybe.)
About drag and drop itself: The predecessor of TablePress did this differently. It had drop downs to choose which rows shall be moved there. With that, I got complaints about why there’s no drag and drop. So, either way, I guess I can’t make everybody happy ??
– About the width of columns: Yes, that is tricky, unfortunately. The reason is however not TablePress, but how tables are handled in browsers, in general. From a technical point of view, they behave differently than most other elements, in that their widest content defines the minimal width of a column. And all of those column together then force a minimum width on a table. So, the effect of bleeding into the sidebar is not TablePress’ fault, but a consequence of the content in the table. There are just too many columns (or content in those columns that is too wide, or too big). (I sometimes compare this to a sheet of paper in a notebook: When that is full, I can’t write on it, but have to “bleed” onto the next page.) The only way to fix this properly is to reduce the amount of content or columns, reduce the white space in the cells, reduce the font size in the table, or enable the Horizontal Scrolling.
Now, there are some ways to influence the widths with CSS code (as shortly described in the TablePress FAQ at https://tablepress.org/faq/ ) and as that is such a flexible method, there’s just no point of adding a user interface for this, as that could never match that flexibility.
– And about the search leading to too narrow columns: Now, that’s strange, and I’m not really sure what is happening there, but if you give me an example for this happening, I’ll gladly take a look!
– “Static column”: I’m not really sure what you mean with that, unfortunately. Could you explain this to me a little bit?