why upgrade
I have a serious question, what makes jw player 6 so much better that people would want to download and use it….
I think people at longtail will soon realize no one will use the jw player 6, as you are developing a new version , its suppose to be better, instead jw player 6 is far worse….
1. Its very basic
2.all features have been stripped
3.no more customized skins
4jw player typed written logo in upper right corner(cheaply done)the new version displays the jw player in big bold letters, were as the old player it displays it as a nice watermark and goes away after a few seconds and jw player 6 it will never go away…
image of logo jw player 6
https://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=69hn6d&s=6image of logo jwplayer 5
The marketing manager must be one of the old departments in the companies I worked for. They no longer exist…
Maybe some people also noticed that all the settings done in your customized player will be still there but the developers changed the way of the embed code from [jwplayer player=”custom name” mediaid=”35798″] to [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”35798″].
This means that all the videos before the upgrade will be shown in the default size as the plugin won’t recognize “custom name” as it is now looking for a number…
Ahhh my hair… more like this and I’m bold in a year or two.@sexyjason1986 Since your remarks deal mostly with the JW player itself, I advise you to comment about this in the JW Player product forum.
@onepack: This should not happen. When the plugin encounters a custom name it would have to revert back to the right player. This could be a bug and if it is, it will be fixed.
It happened on two environments. Dev on a local wamp (with cache disabled) and prod.
Also same issues and remarks !!!
updating to version 6, means losing all your Plugins…
Someother minus points:
Sharing plugin is Premium, you need to pay for it ??
its not auto playing HD anymore ??
Stupid white logo right up ??
Audio Plugin not working ??
The available player options depend upon which edition of JW Player you licensed:All player editions contain the basic layout and playback options, as well as the playlist sidebar options.
The Pro edition adds support for adding a custom watermark.
The Premium edition adds the selection of premium skins plus Google Analytics & Social Sharing options.PS: Version 5 rocks
I agree with the above posts : I ordered JW Player 6 premium and I’m a bit disappointed too.
I ordered a bit too quickly, I should have better read comments on this new player since I thought quality was really managed in wordpress not in a script way but with a user friendly wordpress interface.
So I have to do the same thing I did on JW5, change code to add special fields to handle quality and update my code in new version each time there is a new one.
Other thing, with JW5 everything was ok, in flash or HTML5. But now I have some mp4 files that stutter in HTML5.
So now I’m losing some features but I have to pay each year : what a deal.@sexyjason1986: I replied to your post in the LongTailVideo forums. In short, while the JW6 player has less “options”, it definitely has more functionality than JW5.
@mydien: what is “Audio Plugin”?
@mydien / @trashfake: We indeed don’t have HD (and CC) support in the WordPress plugin yet, but are working on supporting it. What type of setup do you have? Just MP4 files in different qualities? Or are you looking into RTMP/HLS, or MP4 + WebM?
@trashfake: JW Player has no impact on files stuttering or not in HTML5 mode – that’s the browser’s HTML5 engine. My guess is you used Flash mode for desktop browsers in JW5. That’s still possible with JW6, by setting the “primary” player option to “flash”.
I have several MP4 files in different qualities. My point is to have a user-friendly interface to manage that. With JW5 Player I customized the code in order to have another field called HD File where I linked to another media in WordPress media library.
A better use could be to have several files with the quality in the name, so the plugin could be able to find automatically the different files when adding a new media.
For example, if you have a media which name is video-360.mp4, the plugin would search for video-xxxx.mp4 in the same directory to find other qualities. This way, it would be so simple to handle quality without having to manage it via the WordPress interface!
Same thing for captions, we could have a video-en.srt, video-fr.srt, etc…@jeroen: ik bedoelde Revolt Plugin inplaats van audio ??
I have replied back to your comment on LongTailVideo
Another thing I saw (unless I did something wrong) is that this new plugin does not add meta properties to embed jwplayer in facebook.
Did something changed about that?
jw6 player just doesnt even compare to jw player 5 is the best, and if you would miss all the features that 5 has i defintely would not upgrade. longtailvideo is planning on keeping their logo to display 100% of the time which i feel takes away from are videos cause all i cam do is stare at their logo…
Jw player 5 the logo appears for a few seconds then goes away, they are claiming that jw player is more of a pro version and is not intended to be free.
with the price tag of 99 a year not many are gonna be able to afford to keep their plugin@trashfake: Your suggestion on a naming scheme for SD/HD is interesting. We’re looking at various options for supporting this in a 2.1 plugin update. Will let you know if we have found a good candidate. Such a setup is a bit difficult, since WordPress doesn’t have any notion of multiple source files for one media item.
@ jason102178: Your main objection is around the logo being 100% on, correct? If we had a lower priced offering that would just allow you to take off the logo (and use the player on commercial sites), would you be interested in that?
@jeroen I definitely would be interested in something like that, I am all for supporting the developers since it takes time to develop applications, and i understand you guys want your logo their to advertise, but giving someone the option to pay to remove the logo would be nice, but yeah as I am not corporate and dont need any of the extras ect features , at 99 a year just isnt in the buget
Hi Jeroen
Here is what I did in jwp6-class-player.php to manage multiple sources and it worked till plugin 2.0.3. Even if I know it’s not a very optimised code :), it was good enough for my purpose.
public function embedcode($id, $file = null, $playlist=null, $image = null, $config = null) { // overwrite existing config with additional config from shortcode. if ( ! is_null($config) ) { foreach ($config as $param => $value) { $this->set($param, $value); } } unset($this->config['description']); //$image = ( is_null($image) ) ? JWP6_Plugin::default_image_url() : $image; $embedcode = " <div class='jwplayer' id='jwplayer-{$id}'></div> <script type='text/javascript'> "; if ( get_option(JWP6 . 'allow_anonymous_tracking') ) { $embedcode .= $this->_tracking_code($id); } $embedcode .= " jwplayer('jwplayer-{$id}').setup({ "; $embedcode .= $this->_add_embedcode_params($this->config); if ( ! is_null($image) ) { $embedcode .= "'image': '{$image}',\n"; } if ( ! is_null($file) && is_null($playlist) ) { $filesTemp = explode("x360.mp4", $file); if ($filesTemp[0] != $file) { $files["360"] = $file; $embedcode .= "'sources':[\n"; $embedcode .= "{'file':'$file', 'label':'360p'},\n"; if($this->remote_file_exists("$filesTemp[0]x720.mp4")) { $embedcode .= "{'file':'$filesTemp[0]x720.mp4', 'label':'720p'},\n"; } if($this->remote_file_exists("$filesTemp[0]x1080.mp4")) { $embedcode .= "{'file':'$filesTemp[0]x1080.mp4', 'label':'1080p'}]\n"; } } else { $embedcode .= "'file': '{$file}'\n"; } } if ( ! is_null($playlist) ) { $embedcode .= "'playlist': {$playlist}\n"; } $embedcode .= " }); </script> "; return $embedcode; } // Test function for distant file public function remote_file_exists($url) { ini_set('allow_url_fopen', '1'); if(@fclose(@fopen($url, 'r'))) return true; else return false; }
But since 2.0.5 it does not work : I tried this in vain
public function embedcode($id, $file = null, $playlist=null, $image = null, $config = null) { if ( ! is_null($config) ) { foreach ($config as $param => $value) { $this->set($param, $value); } } $params = $this->_embed_params(); if ( $image ) { $params['image'] = $image; } if ( $file && ! $playlist ) { if ( $this->get('streamer') ) { $file = $this->get('streamer') . $file; } if ( "/" == substr($file, 0, 1) ) { $protocol = ( is_ssl() ) ? "https://" : "https://"; $file = $protocol . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $file; } // Comment out the line below if you are using relative urls to the page (officially not supported) // if ( ! strpos($file, "://") ) $file = site_url() . "/" . $file; $filesTemp = explode("x360.mp4", $file); if ($filesTemp[0] != $file) { $files["360"] = $file; $sources = "\"["; $sources .= '{"file":"'.str_replace("\"", "", json_encode($file)).'", "label":"360p"}'; if($this->remote_file_exists("$filesTemp[0]x720.mp4")) { $sources .= ',{"file":"'.str_replace("\"", "", json_encode($filesTemp[0])).'x720.mp4", "label":"720p"}'; } if($this->remote_file_exists("$filesTemp[0]x1080.mp4")) { $sources .= ',{"file":"'.str_replace("\"", "", json_encode($filesTemp[0])).'x1080.mp4", "label":"1080p"}]"'; } } else { $params['file'] = $file; } } else if ( $playlist ) { $params['playlist'] = $playlist; } $embedcode = "<div class='jwplayer' id='jwplayer-{$id}'></div>"; // $embedcode .= "<pre>" . json_encode($params) . "</pre>"; $embedcode .= "<script type='text/javascript'>"; if ( get_option(JWP6 . 'allow_anonymous_tracking') ) { $embedcode .= $this->_tracking_code($id); } if ($sources) { $embedcode .= "jwplayer('jwplayer-{$id}').setup(" . str_replace("&", "&", json_encode($params)) . ",\"sources\":$sources);\n"; } else { $embedcode .= "jwplayer('jwplayer-{$id}').setup(" . str_replace("&", "&", json_encode($params)) . ");\n"; } $embedcode .= "</script>"; return $embedcode; } }
So could you please help me find what’s wrong?
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