• Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    I will continue to offer free support for My Content Management within reason for as long as I can. However, you should know that support is very time consuming, and I can’t guarantee a response to every request. Your donations and purchases help keep support and plug-in development a reality.

    With free support, I greatly prefer if you submit a support request form from your plug-in’s Settings page. That provides me with data for further pursuing your issue.

    At minimum, please be detailed about the nature of the problem.



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  • TomUsher


    Hi Joe,

    The plugin is working fine. I have an update suggestion.

    If an answer is long for an FAQ and a user scrolls down while reading that long answer and then the user clicks the next question, the long answer closes/collapses leaving the user way down the page and is not taken to the question he or she just clicked. The user has to scroll up to find the top of the newly opened answer. Example: 2nd question here: https://propertypak.com/introduction-home/qasfaqs-questions-and-answers-frequently-asked-questions/

    My suggestion is that when the next question is clicked, the user be taken to that question regardless of how long the previously open answer may be.



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