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  • Plugin Author Artem Livshits


    Thank you for report!

    We will take a look at these plugins and will try make WP2Cloud compatible with them.

    I might have the same problem with another plugin, debug bar tells me that the database table can’t be created.

    I also tried to create the table using the debug bar sql console, with out any luck:

    CREATE TABLE wp_tla_data (
                      id int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                      post_id int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                      url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                      text VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                      before_text VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                      after_text VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                      xml_key VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                      PRIMARY KEY (id),
                      INDEX post_id (post_id),
                      INDEX xml_key (xml_key)
                   ) AUTO_INCREMENT=1;

    in my.cnf, default-storage-engine=ClouSE

    Plugin Author Artem Livshits


    Hi Per,

    Thank you for report!

    ClouSE doesn’t currently support setting the initial auto increment value when creating a table. We expect to add support for that soon.

    As a workaround, you can create this table without setting auto-increment to 1, like this:

    CREATE TABLE wp_tla_data (
                      id int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                      post_id int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                      url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                      text VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                      before_text VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                      after_text VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                      xml_key VARCHAR(255) NULL,
                      PRIMARY KEY (id),
                      INDEX post_id (post_id),
                      INDEX xml_key (xml_key)

    I can confirm that creating table without auto_increment=1 worked.


    Thread Starter chensihai


    We expect to get the full benefit of ClouSE.
    For the not supported plugins, will you suggest users to wait, or encourage users to develop the support function themselves–do you have any guideline for this.


    Simon Chen

    Plugin Author Artem Livshits


    Hi Simon,

    We’d definitely appreciate contribution in any form. If you can get more data about what doesn’t work (like the error messages that you see, the actions that result to problems, etc.) it may help us to see if this is an issue that we’re already working on or something new.

    Thread Starter chensihai


    Thank you for your response.
    Those two plugins are still working with no error. But they just store pictures locally, stead of storing pictures on S3.

    Plugin Author Artem Livshits


    Hi Simon,

    We were able to add support for We will release an updated version of WP2Cloud soon.

    We took a look at Unfortunately, this plugin does not use the core Media Library functions nor does it support any hooks for other plugins to hook into. The plugin seems to be abandoned (last updated in 2008!), but if anyone would want to take ownership of the plugin we’d be more than happy to work with the owner to add hooks into the WP post thumbnail plugin. For now, WP2Cloud won’t be able to handle pictures created with WP post thumbnail.

    Plugin Author Artem Livshits


    Just released WP2Cloud 1.3.4 that supports BP-album.

    Thread Starter chensihai


    Hi Artem,
    Thank you very much to response and provide solution so quickly.
    BP-ALBUM is the most concern, as for a user facing website, the pictures storage could increase quite quickly. It’s very glad that you provide solution for BP-ALBUM.

    For wp-post-thumbnail, we’ll see if we can do the migrate to support hooks, then contact you in the feature.

    One related question is, as the picture is in S3 now, and some picture might need to follow private policy. Is it possible to provide some solution/suggestion to allow only authorized users to see the pictures.

    Plugin Author Artem Livshits


    Hi Simon,

    Is it possible to provide some solution/suggestion to allow only authorized users to see the pictures.

    If you’re concerned about other sites hotlinking to your pictures, it is possible to prevent hotlinking with S3 bucket policies. See this blog for more info.

    Thread Starter chensihai


    Hi Artem,
    Thank you for your suggestion. My consider situation is more strict than hotlinking.

    I am thinking is it possible to update S3 API to allow only certain user to see the picture.

    As I test, all the delete picture functions, media/bp-avatar,bp-album, the pictures are not really removed after delete it.

    It would be a bugs, not feature?

    Plugin Author Artem Livshits


    Hi Simon,

    I am thinking is it possible to update S3 API to allow only certain user to see the picture.

    The picture URLs have a 256-bit random component, which means that it’s practically impossible to access a picture without knowing its URL. So by controlling who can access the URL you can control who can get the picture.

    As I test, all the delete picture functions, media/bp-avatar,bp-album, the pictures are not really removed after delete it.

    The bp-album plugin needs a patch in order for picture deletions to work properly. The dev version of db-album at github already has the fix.

    Thread Starter chensihai


    Hi Artem,
    Sorry, your answer is not too the point. I verified it again, after the file is deleted from WP, no matter Media,BP-Avatar or BP-Album, the file is still exists on S3, and people can access the file with the old picture url.

    Plugin Author Artem Livshits


    Hi Simon,

    We have 1 hour delay for deletion to account for things like page caching, for example. Even if you delete images and update the page to not use the image, a cache may still have an old version of the page (say it expires every 5 minutes) that refers to old images. As we keep deleted images around for an hour, users who hit cached pages will be able to get the images too.

    So if you check after an hour or so, the images should get deleted. If this doesn’t happen, send an email to support (at) oblaksoft (dot) com so that someone could take a look.

    We’ll add this info to the FAQ.

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