Well, the update corrects in the wp_podpress_stats table basically certain characters in old entries.
The SQL command is
UPDATE wp_podpress_stats SET media = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(media, ' ', '%20'), '!', '%21'), '(', '%28'), ')', '%29'), ';', '%3B'), '@', '%40'), '&', '%26'), '=', '%3D'), '$', '%24'), ',', '%2C'), '[', '%5B'), ']', '%5D') WHERE id IN(SELECT b.id FROM (SELECT a.id FROM wp_podpress_stats as a LIMIT 0,10) as b);
You may adjust the LIMIT values. (But you can do this by change the increment in the update dialogue. The default value is 10 only to avoid problems with the execution time limit for scripts. But I noticed during the tests that you can choose higher increments and the increment level may rise also in a non-linear relation.)
If you are sure that you have no entries made with podPress 8.8.10 – then you may skip that part of the update and remove the entry with the option_name _podPress_upgrade
from the wp_options table.