• Hello I followed the instructions for client id etc. with Wepay and installing the plugin … I get the following error accessing the Wepay Manager:

    Fatal error: Wrong parameters for Exception([string $exception [, long $code ]]) in /home/fathers/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wepay-wordpress-plugin/wepaysdk.php on line 268

    Your help would be MOST appreciated … I will gladly donate if you can help me get your Wepay plugin working properly in my WP installation


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  • I have the identical problem.
    If this was ever resolved, could you share the solution?


    Looks like this plugin has been abandoned by the developer. Too bad.

    The WePay SDK this plugin uses is rather old and needs updating, but that probably won’t resolve the Exception issue. I can’t get this functioning on my localhost development server because the SDK requires an SSL certificate.



    Here’s how I updated the WePay SDK within is plug-in:

    I used Dreamweaver to access the page titled “wepaysdk.php” via ftp in the plugin’s folder on my server (yoursite.com/wp-content/plugins/wepay-wordpress-plugin/wepaysdk.php). Then I removed all php code on that page. after which, I updated it with the new code, which I’ve pasted below.

    class WePay {
    	 * Version number - sent in user agent string
    	const VERSION = '0.2.1';
    	 * Scope fields
    	 * Passed into Wepay::getAuthorizationUri as array
    	const SCOPE_MANAGE_ACCOUNTS     = 'manage_accounts';     // Open and interact with accounts
    	const SCOPE_COLLECT_PAYMENTS    = 'collect_payments';    // Create and interact with checkouts
    	const SCOPE_VIEW_USER           = 'view_user';           // Get details about authenticated user
    	const SCOPE_PREAPPROVE_PAYMENTS = 'preapprove_payments'; // Create and interact with preapprovals
    	const SCOPE_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTIONS   = 'manage_subscriptions'; // Subscriptions
    	const SCOPE_SEND_MONEY          = 'send_money';          // For withdrawals
    	 * Application's client ID
    	private static $client_id;
    	 * Application's client secret
    	private static $client_secret;
    	 * API Version
    	 * https://www.wepay.com/developer/reference/versioning
    	private static $api_version;
    	 * @deprecated Use WePay::getAllScopes() instead.
    	public static $all_scopes = array(
    	 * Determines whether to use WePay's staging or production servers
    	private static $production = null;
    	 * cURL handle
    	private static $ch = NULL;
    	 * Authenticated user's access token
    	private $token;
    	 * Pass WePay::getAllScopes() into getAuthorizationUri if your application desires full access
    	public static function getAllScopes() {
    		return array(
    	 * Generate URI used during oAuth authorization
    	 * Redirect your user to this URI where they can grant your application
    	 * permission to make API calls
    	 * @link https://www.wepay.com/developer/reference/oauth2
    	 * @param array  $scope             List of scope fields for which your application wants access
    	 * @param string $redirect_uri      Where user goes after logging in at WePay (domain must match application settings)
    	 * @param array  $options optional  user_name,user_email which will be pre-filled on login form, state to be returned in querystring of redirect_uri
    	 * @return string URI to which you must redirect your user to grant access to your application
    	public static function getAuthorizationUri(array $scope, $redirect_uri, array $options = array()) {
    		// This does not use WePay::getDomain() because the user authentication
    		// domain is different than the API call domain
    		if (self::$production === null) {
    			throw new RuntimeException('You must initialize the WePay SDK with WePay::useStaging() or WePay::useProduction()');
    		$domain = self::$production ? 'https://www.wepay.com' : 'https://stage.wepay.com';
    		$uri = $domain . '/v2/oauth2/authorize?';
    		$uri .= http_build_query(array(
    			'client_id'    => self::$client_id,
    			'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri,
    			'scope'        => implode(',', $scope),
    			'state'        => empty($options['state'])      ? '' : $options['state'],
    			'user_name'    => empty($options['user_name'])  ? '' : $options['user_name'],
    			'user_email'   => empty($options['user_email']) ? '' : $options['user_email'],
    		), '', '&');
    		return $uri;
    	private static function getDomain() {
    		if (self::$production === true) {
    			return 'https://wepayapi.com/v2/';
    		elseif (self::$production === false) {
    			return 'https://stage.wepayapi.com/v2/';
    		else {
    			throw new RuntimeException('You must initialize the WePay SDK with WePay::useStaging() or WePay::useProduction()');
    	 * Exchange a temporary access code for a (semi-)permanent access token
    	 * @param string $code          'code' field from query string passed to your redirect_uri page
    	 * @param string $redirect_uri  Where user went after logging in at WePay (must match value from getAuthorizationUri)
    	 * @return StdClass|false
    	 *  user_id
    	 *  access_token
    	 *  token_type
    	public static function getToken($code, $redirect_uri) {
    		$params = (array(
    			'client_id'     => self::$client_id,
    			'client_secret' => self::$client_secret,
    			'redirect_uri'  => $redirect_uri,
    			'code'          => $code,
    			'state'         => '', // do not hardcode
    		$result = self::make_request('oauth2/token', $params);
    		return $result;
    	 * Configure SDK to run against WePay's production servers
    	 * @param string $client_id      Your application's client id
    	 * @param string $client_secret  Your application's client secret
    	 * @return void
    	 * @throws RuntimeException
    	public static function useProduction($client_id, $client_secret, $api_version = null) {
    		if (self::$production !== null) {
    			throw new RuntimeException('API mode has already been set.');
    		self::$production    = true;
    		self::$client_id     = $client_id;
    		self::$client_secret = $client_secret;
    		self::$api_version   = $api_version;
    	 * Configure SDK to run against WePay's staging servers
    	 * @param string $client_id      Your application's client id
    	 * @param string $client_secret  Your application's client secret
    	 * @return void
    	 * @throws RuntimeException
    	public static function useStaging($client_id, $client_secret, $api_version = null) {
    		if (self::$production !== null) {
    			throw new RuntimeException('API mode has already been set.');
    		self::$production    = false;
    		self::$client_id     = $client_id;
    		self::$client_secret = $client_secret;
    		self::$api_version   = $api_version;
    	 * Returns the current environment.
    	 * @return string "none" (not configured), "production" or "staging".
    	public static function getEnvironment() {
    		if(self::$production === null) {
    			return 'none';
    		} else if(self::$production) {
    			return 'production';
    		} else {
    			return 'staging';
    	 * Set Api Version
    	 * https://www.wepay.com/developer/reference/versioning
    	 * @param string $version  Api Version to send in call request header
    	public static function setApiVersion($version) {
    	    self::$api_version = $version;
    	 * Create a new API session
    	 * @param string $token - access_token returned from WePay::getToken
    	public function __construct($token) {
    		if ($token && !is_string($token)) {
    			throw new InvalidArgumentException('$token must be a string, ' . gettype($token) . ' provided');
    		$this->token = $token;
    	 * Clean up cURL handle
    	public function __destruct() {
    		if (self::$ch) {
    			self::$ch = NULL;
    	 * create the cURL request and execute it
    	private static function make_request($endpoint, $values, $headers = array())
    		self::$ch = curl_init();
    		$headers = array_merge(array("Content-Type: application/json"), $headers); // always pass the correct Content-Type header
    		// send Api Version header
    		if(!empty(self::$api_version)) {
    			$headers[] = "Api-Version: " . self::$api_version;
    		curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'WePay v2 PHP SDK v' . self::VERSION);
    		curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    		curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    		curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // 30-second timeout, adjust to taste
    		curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_POST, !empty($values)); // WePay's API is not strictly RESTful, so all requests are sent as POST unless there are no request values
    		$uri = self::getDomain() . $endpoint;
    		curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_URL, $uri);
    		if (!empty($values)) {
    			curl_setopt(self::$ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($values));
    		$raw = curl_exec(self::$ch);
    		if ($errno = curl_errno(self::$ch)) {
    			// Set up special handling for request timeouts
    			if ($errno == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED) {
    				throw new WePayServerException("Timeout occurred while trying to connect to WePay");
    			throw new Exception('cURL error while making API call to WePay: ' . curl_error(self::$ch), $errno);
    		$result = json_decode($raw);
    		$httpCode = curl_getinfo(self::$ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    		if ($httpCode >= 400) {
    			if (!isset($result->error_code)) {
    				throw new WePayServerException("WePay returned an error response with no error_code, please alert [email protected]. Original message: $result->error_description", $httpCode, $result, 0);
    			if ($httpCode >= 500) {
    				throw new WePayServerException($result->error_description, $httpCode, $result, $result->error_code);
    			switch ($result->error) {
    				case 'invalid_request':
    					throw new WePayRequestException($result->error_description, $httpCode, $result, $result->error_code);
    				case 'access_denied':
    					throw new WePayPermissionException($result->error_description, $httpCode, $result, $result->error_code);
    		return $result;
    	 * Make API calls against authenticated user
    	 * @param string $endpoint - API call to make (ex. 'user', 'account/find')
    	 * @param array  $values   - Associative array of values to send in API call
    	 * @return StdClass
    	 * @throws WePayException on failure
    	 * @throws Exception on catastrophic failure (non-WePay-specific cURL errors)
    	public function request($endpoint, array $values = array()) {
    		$headers = array();
    		if ($this->token) { // if we have an access_token, add it to the Authorization header
    			$headers[] = "Authorization: Bearer $this->token";
    		$result = self::make_request($endpoint, $values, $headers);
    		return $result;
     * Different problems will have different exception types so you can
     * catch and handle them differently.
     * WePayServerException indicates some sort of 500-level error code and
     * was unavoidable from your perspective. You may need to re-run the
     * call, or check whether it was received (use a "find" call with your
     * reference_id and make a decision based on the response)
     * WePayRequestException indicates a development error - invalid endpoint,
     * erroneous parameter, etc.
     * WePayPermissionException indicates your authorization token has expired,
     * was revoked, or is lacking in scope for the call you made
    class WePayException extends Exception {
    	public function __construct($description = '', $http_code = FALSE, $response = FALSE, $code = 0, $previous = NULL)
    		$this->response = $response;
    		if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) {
    			$version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION);
    			define('PHP_VERSION_ID', ($version[0] * 10000 + $version[1] * 100 + $version[2]));
    		if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300) {
    			parent::__construct($description, $code);
    		} else {
    			parent::__construct($description, $code, $previous);
    class WePayRequestException extends WePayException {}
    class WePayPermissionException extends WePayException {}
    class WePayServerException extends WePayException {}

    You can also find the code to insert into the page here: https://raw.github.com/wepay/PHP-SDK/master/wepay.php

    Once I replaced the code, I uploaded the revised page to my server. The manager works properly now and everything functions as it should. Hope this works for you all too ??

    You’re a freaking genius. Thank you so much. You just saved a church from not being able to take donations. Consider yourself a saint.

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