• Hi,

    I’m new to bloging and to WordPress so bear that in mind please. I’ve lost the wyswig rich text editor in the “Write” function of WordPress 2.0.

    I had it the last time I used used it yesterday. I had been working on making my blog compatible with all browsers so I’ve been uploading some .php files. I just don’t know how I could have lost the wsywig editor. Plus I can’t remember if 2.0 had an option to turn the rich text editor on and off. When I go to “Options” – “Writing” it does not give me a radio button to turn the rich text editor it on or off.

    I backed up my entire WordPress directory yesterday and re-uploaded it today to try and fix it with no luck.

    One thing I noticed while searching for answers on this forum was someone having problems using WordPress with the Opera Browser. I just installed that today. I have since uninstalled it.

    Any help even if it’s the worst case scenario would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

    Mark McClean

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  • just use post2blog so much easier to update your blog

    I am having the exact same problem. I did not update any browser or anything like htat and I have tried turning off the plugins i have installed to no avail.
    WYSIWYG was there yesterday, gone today. I don’t want to use a plugin to post. I like the dashboard and would love to know what happened.

    I’m having the same problem but (and here this becomes interesting) JUST in Safari… i can see with no problem the text editor on Firefox.

    Just a tip anyway, in the Dashboard, on the top-right corner of the screen there is a “My account” link, click it and in that page, at the bottom, you will find a “Use the visual rich editor when writing” checkbox… enable it.

    Okay – let’s assume that we’re not dolts here, okay?

    I have the rich text editor enabled for everyone by default and on 2 admin accounts as individual prefs.

    I have over a dozen blogs I get into on this same computer, where the RT editor is showing up – except on ONE. ALL SETTINGS ARE THE SAME.

    Can we shoot for maybe a file or something we can re-install or what have you, rather than assume that people don’t have the boxes checked? The person who posted said it was there yesterday, and I’m saying that it’s there on some blogs and not on others, even though the options are checked.

    (Incidentally, these are all with the same hosting company on the same kind of servers with the same kind of databases/PHP/etc.)

    Try doing a hard refresh.
    On Windows that’s Ctrl and F5 together.

    done it, podz… several times over on two different computers… got anything else? ??

    You have:
    Checked any js errors
    Compared all the files in /js and /tinymce to those of a new download
    Checked using different browsers
    Maybe asked someone else to check from their machine


    this is a fresh install from less than 24 hours ago with the latest release downloaded from www.ads-software.com (was done on a different computer than mine, so we had to get a fresh download)

    all that was done was the regular, everyday installation, like i’ve done many times before.

    i have checked it on FF and IE6

    have checked on 2 machines, but would be forever indebted to you if you could check from your machine… gtalk?

    missing includes/js folder was the culprit for mine – maybe yours got corrupted somehow?

    try checking your uploaded files against the file structure of a fresh download and see if that might be the issue?

    thanks podz!


    I have the same problem, and identified Zenpress as the guilty plugin.
    Deactivating Zenpress, then force a refresh (Ctrl-F5) and you get the rich text editor back. Do the opposite, and you loose the editor.

    Does anyone know about that ? I can’t find a support for Zenpress plugin


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