• My home page https://www.ieqindoorplants.com.au has the words “colours and”. These are being fused to gether as “coloursand” and stored in the relevanssi DB table wp_relevanssi.
    If I do a search on “coloursand” and relevanssi it will find my home page.
    It is very hard nigh impossible to remove this error. I retype, use functions paste from word, paste as plain text, clear caches, reindex, and many other things but to no avail.
    There are many other example where a stop word has been fused. “suitablefor” “plasesin” “spacestall” “arealways” and many more.
    With the plugin DB Peek anyone can examine the content of the DB Tables. Relevanssi holds these words in table called wp_relevanssi. So anyone can check to see if they have the same problem. They are easy to spot.
    If I deactivate relevanssi, and use the WP default search, this problem goes away.
    Also – a google search does not find these fused words.


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  • Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    That sure is a curious problem.

    One thing you could try, though, is commenting out the first line in relevanssi_mb_trim() function in lib/common.php.

    So this:
    $string = str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), '', $string);

    becomes this:
    // $string = str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), '', $string);

    No idea if it helps, but maybe it could.

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