Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Plugin Author LaMonte Forthun


    You have to designate which group the table is for, so your standings shortcode will look like this:

    [standings league_id=1 group=A template=nolink]

    [standings league_id=1 group=B template=nolink]

    If you want to list four groups, you have to put four lines like above, one for each group.

    Thread Starter jplunk67


    Where in the code would this need to be written?

    Plugin Author LaMonte Forthun


    That’s what you put on your page/post to get the standings table to display, it’s the shortcode.

    The id would be replaced with the id number of your league, the groups changed to however you set up your groups and the template can be eliminated or you can use one that’s supplied based on the documentation. The template I listed is one I added, so you won’t have that. For standings you have compact and extended available. For example:

    [standings league_id=1 group=B template=compact]

    Thread Starter jplunk67


    Thanks for your help so far.
    I can’t get the Groups separated in the widget on the main page. But have in a page. (scroll down to standings),
    also I can’t get the logos to show in the widget.

    I have managed to separate them into groups in a page.

    Once again I appreciate you help

    Plugin Author LaMonte Forthun


    I don’t see a way to put a widget down with a group, but I worked on some code that will allow it. If you’d like to test it let me know, if it works for you and we can get it solid, we can see about getting it into the plugin permanently.

    Thread Starter jplunk67


    Yeah i can give it a go.
    What needs to be done on my side.

    Thread Starter jplunk67


    I have done the update and also re added the standings in the Widget, and nothing yet.

    Plugin Author LaMonte Forthun


    Sorry, I’m going to post some code to test a bit later, I had to work through a few things and get my lead story for the day up on our website.

    Thread Starter jplunk67


    Ok, let me know when you have it worked out

    Plugin Author LaMonte Forthun


    Make a copy of your ‘widgets.php’ file, then replace it with the following:

    /** Widget class for the WordPress plugin LeagueManager
    * @author 	Kolja Schleich
    * @package	LeagueManager
    * @copyright 	Copyright 2008-2009
    class LeagueManagerWidget extends WP_Widget
    	 * index for matches in widget
    	 * @var array
    	var $match_index = array( 'next' => 0, 'prev' => 0 );
    	 * initialize
    	 * @param none
    	 * @return void
    	function __construct( $template = false )
    		add_action( 'leaguemanager_widget_next_match', array(&$this, 'showNextMatchBox'), 10, 3 );
    		add_action( 'leaguemanager_widget_prev_match', array(&$this, 'showPrevMatchBox'), 10, 3 );
    		if ( !$template ) {
    			$widget_ops = array('classname' => 'leaguemanager_widget', 'description' => __('League results and upcoming matches at a glance', 'leaguemanager') );
    			parent::__construct('leaguemanager-widget', __( 'League', 'leaguemanager' ), $widget_ops);
    	function LeagueManagerWidget( $template = false )
    	 * get index for current match
    	 * @param string $type next|prev
    	 * @return the index
    	function getMatchIndex( $type )
    		return $this->match_index[$type];
    	 * set index for current match
    	 * @param int $index
    	 * @param string $type
    	 * @return void
    	function setMatchIndex( $index, $type )
    		$this->match_index[$type] = $index;
    	 * displays widget
    	 * @param array $args
    	 * @param array $instance
    	function widget( $args, $instance )
    		global $lmBridge, $lmShortcodes, $leaguemanager;
    		$defaults = array(
    			'before_widget' => '<li id="'.sanitize_title(get_class($this)).'" class="widget '.get_class($this).'_'.__FUNCTION__.'">',
    			'after_widget' => '</li>',
    			'before_title' => '<h2 class="widgettitle">',
    			'after_title' => '</h2>',
    			'number' => $this->number,
    		$args = array_merge( $defaults, $args );
    		extract( $args , EXTR_SKIP );
    		$league = $leaguemanager->getLeague( $instance['league'] );
    		if (empty($instance['season'])) {
                $season = $leaguemanager->getSeason($league, false, 'name');
    		} else {
    		    $season = $instance['season'];
    		if ( $instance['group'] != '' ) {
        		echo $before_widget . $before_title . $league->title . " - " . $season . " - Group: " . $instance['group'] . $after_title;
            } else {
        		echo $before_widget . $before_title . $league->title . " " . $season . $after_title;
    		echo "<div class='leaguemanager_widget'>";
    		if ( $instance['match_display'] != 'none' ) {
    			$show_prev_matches = $show_next_matches = false;
    			if ( $instance['match_display'] == 'prev' )
    				$show_prev_matches = true;
    			elseif ( $instance['match_display'] == 'next' )
    				$show_next_matches = true;
    			elseif ( $instance['match_display'] == 'all' )
    				$show_prev_matches = $show_next_matches = true;
    			if ( $show_next_matches ) {
    				echo "<div id='next_matches_".$number."'>";
    				do_action( 'leaguemanager_widget_next_match', $number, $instance );
    				echo "</div>";
    			if ( $show_prev_matches ) {
    				echo "<div id='prev_matches_".$number."'>";
    				do_action( 'leaguemanager_widget_prev_match', $number, $instance );
    				echo "</div>";
    		if ( $instance['table'] != 'none' && !empty($instance['table']) ) {
    			$show_logos = ( $instance['show_logos'] ) ? true : false;
    			echo "<h4 class='standings'>". __( 'Table', 'leaguemanager' ). "</h4>";
    			echo $lmShortcodes->showStandings( array('template' => $instance['table'], 'group' => $instance['group'], 'league_id' => $instance['league'], 'season' => $instance['season'], 'logo' => $show_logos, 'home' => $instance['home']), true );
    		echo "</div>";
    		echo $after_widget;
    	 * show next match box
    	 * @param int $number
    	 * @param array $instance
    	 * @param boolean $echo (optional)
    	 * @return void
    	function showNextMatchBox($number, $instance, $echo = true)
    		global $leaguemanager;
    		$match_limit = ( intval($instance['match_limit']) > 0 ) ? $instance['match_limit'] : false;
    		$search = "<code>league_id</code> = '".$instance['league']."' AND <code>final</code> = '' AND <code>season</code> = '".$instance['season']."' AND TIMEDIFF(NOW(), <code>date</code>) <= 0";
    		if ( isset($instance['home_only']) && $instance['home_only'] == 1 )
    			$search .= $leaguemanager->buildHomeOnlyQuery($instance['league']);
    		$matches = $leaguemanager->getMatches( $search, $match_limit );
    		if ( $matches ) {
    			$teams = $leaguemanager->getTeams( 'league_id = '.$instance['league'], "<code>id</code> ASC", 'ARRAY' );
    			$curr = $this->getMatchIndex('next');
    			$match = $matches[$curr];
    			$match_limit_js = ( $match_limit ) ? $match_limit : 'false';
    			$next_link = $prev_link = '';
    			if ( $curr < count($matches) - 1 ) {
    				$next_link = "<a class='next' href='#null' onclick='Leaguemanager.setMatchBox(".$curr.", \"next\", \"next\", ".$instance['league'].", \"".$match_limit_js."\", ".$number.", \"".$instance['season']."\", ".intval($instance['home_only']).", \"".$instance['date_format']."\"); return false'><img src='".LEAGUEMANAGER_URL."/images/arrow_right.png' alt='&raquo;' /></a>";
    			if ( $curr > 0 ) {
    				$prev_link = "<a class='prev' href='#null' onclick='Leaguemanager.setMatchBox(".$curr.", \"prev\", \"next\", ".$instance['league'].", \"".$match_limit_js."\", ".$number.", \"".$instance['season']."\", ".intval($instance['home_only']).", \"".$instance['date_format']."\"); return false'><img src='".LEAGUEMANAGER_URL."/images/arrow_left.png' alt='&laquo;' /></a>";
    			$out = "<div id='next_match_box_".$number."' class='match_box'>";
    			$out .= "<h4>$prev_link".__( 'Next Match', 'leaguemanager' )."$next_link</h4>";
    			$out .= "<div class='match' id='match-".$match->id."'>";
    			$home_team = $teams[$match->home_team]['title'];
    			$away_team = $teams[$match->away_team]['title'];
    			if ( !empty($teams[$match->home_team]['website']) )
    				$home_team = "<a href='https://".$teams[$match->home_team]['website']."' target='_blank'>".$home_team."</a>";
    			if ( $teams[$match->away_team]['website'] != '' )
    				$away_team = "<a href='https://".$teams[$match->away_team]['website']."' target='_blank'>".$away_team."</a>";
    			if ( !isset($match->title) ) $match->title = sprintf("%s – %s", $home_team, $away_team);
    			$out .= "<p class='match_title'><strong>". $match->title."</strong></p>";
    			$out .= "<p class='logos'><img class='home_logo' src='".$teams[$match->home_team]['logo']."' alt='' /><img class='away_logo' src='".$teams[$match->away_team]['logo']."' alt='' /></p>";
    			if ( !empty($match->match_day) )
    			$out .= "<p class='match_day'>".sprintf(__("<strong>%d.</strong> Match Day", 'leaguemanager'), $match->match_day)."</p>";
    			$time = ( '00:00' == $match->hour.":".$match->minutes ) ? '' : mysql2date(get_option('time_format'), $match->date);
    			$out .= "<p class='date'>".mysql2date(get_option('date_format'), $match->date).", <span class='time'>".$time."</span></p>";
    			$out .= "<p class='location'>".$match->location."</p>";
    			$out .= "</div></div>";
    			if ( $echo )
    				echo $out;
    			return $out;
    	 * show previous match box
    	 * @param int $number
    	 * @param array $instance
    	 * @param boolean $echo (optional)
    	 * @return void
    	function showPrevMatchBox($number, $instance, $echo = true)
    		global $leaguemanager;
    		$match_limit = ( intval($instance['match_limit']) > 0 ) ? $instance['match_limit'] : false;
    		$search = "<code>league_id</code> = '".$instance['league']."' AND <code>final</code> = '' AND <code>season</code> = '".$instance['season']."' AND TIMEDIFF(NOW(), <code>date</code>) > 0";
    		if ( isset($instance['home_only']) && $instance['home_only'] == 1 )
    			$search .= $leaguemanager->buildHomeOnlyQuery($instance['league']);
    		$matches = $leaguemanager->getMatches( $search, $match_limit, '<code>date</code> DESC, <code>id</code> DESC' );
    		if ( $matches ) {
    			$teams = $leaguemanager->getTeams( 'league_id = '.$instance['league'], "<code>id</code> ASC", 'ARRAY' );
    			$curr = $this->getMatchIndex('prev');
    			$match = $matches[$curr];
    			$match_limit_js = ( $match_limit ) ? $match_limit : 'false';
    			$next_link = $prev_link = '';
    			if ( $curr < count($matches) - 1 ) {
    				$next_link = "<a class='next' href='#null' onclick='Leaguemanager.setMatchBox(".$curr.", \"next\", \"prev\", ".$instance['league'].", \"".$match_limit_js."\", ".$number.", ".$instance['season'].", ".intval($instance['home_only']).", \"".$instance['date_format']."\"); return false'><img src='".LEAGUEMANAGER_URL."/images/arrow_right.png' alt='&raquo;' /></a>";
    			if ( $curr > 0 ) {
    				$prev_link = "<a class='prev' href='#null' onclick='Leaguemanager.setMatchBox(".$curr.", \"prev\", \"prev\", ".$instance['league'].", \"".$match_limit_js."\", ".$number.", ".$instance['season'].", ".intval($instance['home_only']).", \"".$instance['date_format']."\"); return false'><img src='".LEAGUEMANAGER_URL."/images/arrow_left.png' alt='&laquo;' /></a>";
    			$out = "<div id='prev_match_box_".$number."' class='match_box'>";
    			$out .= "<h4>$prev_link".__( 'Last Match', 'leaguemanager' )."$next_link</h4>";
    			$out .= "<div class='match' id='match-".$match->id."'>";
    			$match->hadOvertime = ( isset($match->overtime) && $match->overtime['home'] != '' && $match->overtime['away'] != '' ) ? true : false;
    			$match->hadPenalty = ( isset($match->penalty) && $match->penalty['home'] != '' && $match->penalty['away'] != '' ) ? true : false;
    			$home_team = $teams[$match->home_team]['title'];
    			$away_team = $teams[$match->away_team]['title'];
    			if ( !empty($teams[$match->home_team]['website']) )
    				$home_team = "<a href='https://".$teams[$match->home_team]['website']."' target='_blank'>".$home_team."</a>";
    			if ( $teams[$match->away_team]['website'] != '' )
    				$away_team = "<a href='https://".$teams[$match->away_team]['website']."' target='_blank'>".$away_team."</a>";
    			if ( !isset($match->title) ) $match->title = sprintf("%s – %s", $home_team, $away_team);
    			if ( $match->hadPenalty )
    				$score = sprintf("%d - %d", $match->penalty['home'], $match->penalty['away'])." "._c( 'o.P.|on penalty', 'leaguemanager' );
    			elseif ( $match->hadOvertime )
    			//	$score = sprintf("%d - %d", $match->overtime['home'], $match->overtime['away'])." "._c( 'AET|after extra time', 'leaguemanager' );
    				$score = sprintf("%d - %d", $match->home_points, $match->away_points);
    				$score = sprintf("%d - %d", $match->home_points, $match->away_points);
    			$out .= "<p class='match_title'><strong>". $match->title."</strong></p>";
    			$out .= "<p class='logos'><img class='home_logo' src='".$teams[$match->home_team]['logo']."' alt='' /><span class='result'>".$score."</span><img class='away_logo' src='".$teams[$match->away_team]['logo']."' alt='' /></p>";
    			if ( !empty($match->match_day) )
    			$out .= "<p class='match_day'>".sprintf(__("<strong>%d.</strong> Match Day", 'leaguemanager'), $match->match_day)."</p>";
    			$time = ( '00:00' == $match->hour.":".$match->minutes ) ? '' : mysql2date(get_option('time_format'), $match->date);
    			if ( $match->post_id != 0 && $instance['report'] == 1 )
    				$out .=  "<p class='report'><a href='".get_permalink($match->post_id)."'>".__( 'Report', 'leaguemanager' )."&raquo;</a></p>";
    			$out .= "</div></div>";
    			if ( $echo )
    				echo $out;
    			return $out;
    	 * save settings
    	 * @param array $new_instance
    	 * @param $old_instance
    	 * @return array
    	function update( $new_instance, $old_instance )
    		return $new_instance;
    	 * widget control panel
    	 * @param int|array $widget_args
    	function form( $instance )
    		global $leaguemanager;
    		echo '<div class="leaguemanager_widget_control" id="leaguemanager_widget_control_'.$this->number.'">';
    		echo '<p><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('league').'">'.__('League','leaguemanager').'</label>';
    		echo '<select size="1" name="'.$this->get_field_name('league').'" id="'.$this->get_field_id('league').'">';
    		foreach ( $leaguemanager->getLeagues() AS $league ) {
    			$selected = ( $instance['league'] == $league->id ) ? ' selected="seleccted"' : '';
    			echo '<option value="'.$league->id.'"'.$selected.'>'.$league->title.'</option>';
    		echo '</select>';
    		echo '<p><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('season').'">'.__('Season','leaguemanager').'</label><input type="text" name="'.$this->get_field_name('season').'" id="'.$this->get_field_id('season').'" size="8" value="'.$instance['season'].'" /></p>';
    		echo '<p><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('match_display').'">'.__('Matches','leaguemanager').'</label>';
    		$match_display = array( 'none' => __('Do not show','leaguemanager'), 'prev' => __('Last Matches','leaguemanager'), 'next' => __('Next Matches','leaguemanager'), 'all' => __('Next & Last Matches','leaguemanager') );
    		echo '<select size="1" name="'.$this->get_field_name('match_display').'" id="'.$this->get_field_id('match_display').'">';
    		foreach ( $match_display AS $key => $text ) {
    			$selected = ( $key == $instance['match_display'] ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
    			echo '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$selected.'>'.$text.'</option>';
    		echo '</select></p>';
    		$checked = ( isset($instance['home_only']) && $instance['home_only'] == 1 ) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
    		echo '<p><input type="checkbox" name="'.$this->get_field_name('home_only').'" id="'.$this->get_field_id('home_only').'" value="1"'.$checked.' /><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('home_only').'" class="right">'.__('Only own matches','leaguemanager').'</label></p>';
    		echo '<p><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('match_limit').'">'.__('Limit','leaguemanager').'</label><input type="text" name="'.$this->get_field_name('match_limit').'" id="'.$this->get_field_id('match_limit').'" value="'.$instance['match_limit'].'" size="5" /></p>';
    		$table_display = array( 'none' => __('Do not show','leaguemanager'), 'compact' => __('Compact Version','leaguemanager'), 'extend' => __('Extend Version','leaguemanager') );
    		echo '<p><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('table').'">'.__('Table','leaguemanager').'</label>';
    		echo '<select size="1" name="'.$this->get_field_name('table').'" id="'.$this->get_field_id('table').'">';
    		foreach ( $table_display AS $key => $text ) {
    			$selected = ( $key == $instance['table'] ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
    			echo '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$selected.'>'.$text.'</option>';
    		echo '</select><input type="text" name="'.$this->get_field_name('home').'" id="'.$this->get_field_id('home').'" value="'.$instance['home'].'" size="1" /></p>';
    		$checked = ( $instance['report'] ) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
    		echo '<p><input type="checkbox" name="'.$this->get_field_name('report').'" id="'.$this->get_field_id('report').'" value="1"'.$checked.' /><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('report').'" class="right">'.__('Link to report','leaguemanager').'</label></p>';
    		$checked = ( $instance['show_logos'] ) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
    		echo '<p><input type="checkbox" name="'.$this->get_field_name('show_logos').'" id="'.$this->get_field_id('show_logos').'" value="1"'.$checked.' /><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('show_logos').'" class="right">'.__('Show Logos','leaguemanager').'</label></p>';
    		echo '<p><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('group').'">'.__('Group').'</label><input type="text" id="'.$this->get_field_id('group').'" name="'.$this->get_field_name('group').'" value="'.$instance['group'].'" size="10" /></p>';
    		echo '<p><label for="'.$this->get_field_id('date_format').'">'.__('Date Format').'</label><input type="text" id="'.$this->get_field_id('date_format').'" name="'.$this->get_field_name('date_format').'" value="'.$instance['date_format'].'" size="10" /></p>';
    		echo '</div>';
    Thread Starter jplunk67


    Logo’s show.

    How can I add more then one group
    I tried seperating with a ; , and aspace but one i enter that no standings show at all

    Thread Starter jplunk67


    Plugin Author LaMonte Forthun


    It’s set for one only group per widget, just like a standings table or a crosstable, but you can have multiple widgets and stack tables with different groups in each table. There’s more code that would need to be added to combine groups in a table, but typically that’s not how groups are shown.

    Thread Starter jplunk67


    Got it,

    Thanks alot for all you help

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