I believe that the master calendar in google can have many what you call ‘sub-calendar’s’. You would have to get the xml feeds for each of the sub calendar links that you would like and update them into full calendar js. I am not sure of the master calendar has an xml link or not. It perhaps does. It may be easier to manage your master calendar accordingly within google so you can display all of the proper events using the plugin. I find it easier to do things in google than in wordpress at times. I do not have a widget yet. I have put some thought into that. I will see if I can make that happen down the road. As for now things are slow going.
Please let me know what features or what functionality you are looking for. This plugin will be user driven and I will make any modifications applicable according to user requirements. For right now you can use the ‘Stout Google Calendar’ plugin which I found works real well displaying a widget in an agenda view. You could use both plugin’s simultaneously.