Could this be a problem with the calendar update?
Yesterday I created the following support ticket in the general forum, then when looking at the last error more closely it looks like it is coming from your plugin. If you read the full post you will see that the error log error only started showing up 01 March 2013 which I think was around the time you had an update to your plugin.
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!
Line Feed Special Character Only In Safari Browser urls
And FireBug console is showing this error:
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal
[Break On This Error]
sm9.html (line 1, col 18)<script type="text/javascript"><!-- wpa2a.targets=[ {title:'Give',url:' /give/'}]; wpa2a.html_done=true;if(wpa2a.script_ready&&!wpa2a.done)wpa2a.init();wpa2a.script_load(); //--></script> <script type='text/javascript'> /* <![CDATA[ */ timely.define( 'ai1ec_calendar', {"export_url":"webcal:\/\/\r\n\/?plugin=all-in-one-event-calendar&controller=ai1ec_exporter_controller&action=export_events&cb=1094208838","fonts":[{"name":"League Gothic","url":"http:\/\/\/site\/wp-content\/themes-ai1ec\/vortex\/font_css\/font-league-gothic.css"},{"name":"fontawesome","url":"http:\/\/\/site\/wp-content\/themes-ai1ec\/vortex\/font_css\/font-awesome.css"}]} ); /* ]]> */ </script>
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