In your particular instance, I think the album titles are being hidden by the CSS styles on (approximately) line 175 of the page.
The CSS styles include something like:
body, input, textarea, .entry-content {
font: 16px/1.5em times;
This means that the font size is 16 pixels high and has a line-height of 1.5em.
The 1.5em line-height is what is causing the album title to be cut in half horizontally.
I would guess that this is caused by your theme’s CSS styles. They flow down through the page eventually affecting the album titles.
Depending how knowledgeable you are with CSS, we can recommend 4 options:
1. The easiest option is to pick a different theme from the WordPress theme library. Hopefully, a different theme would not affect the album titles.
2. Next option is to add some code to the bottom of your theme’s styles.css file. You should be able to find this in Appearance > Editor > then select Styles.css from the list of files on the right hand side. And you should be able to insert these lines at the bottom:
.dub-fa-title a {
line-height: 1em !important;
However, this will only fix the album titles being cut in half horizontally, they will still be limited to one line – so they can be cut in half vertically if they are wider than the album photo. Please note: This is the default style for the albums. If you wish to show the full album title, you will need to create your own custom CSS styles, which is the third and fourth options below.
3. Third option is to disable the plugin’s CSS styles, and add your own to the theme. If you go to Settings > Facebook Albums > and untick the box labeled “Mimic Facebook CSS Styles”. This will remove all CSS styling from the albums, but you will have to add your own styles via the theme if you wish to style it. We would only recommend this option if you have some intermediate CSS knowledge.
4. Last option would be to continue with option number 2, and overwrite some of the plugin’s CSS styles by addng them the the base of your theme’s CSS files. We would recommend this option if you have a basic CSS knowledge.
I hope that helps and isn’t too confusing.