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  • I’m seeing the same thing. It is dropping the file name from the link URLs in the broadcasted version.

    I have the same issue here.

    I also use custom function to create gallery and attachment list.
    In my gallery function I use :
    And there is no problem. For my other attachement function I use :
    And I can’t get my link.

    If someone find a solution, that would be great !

    When publishing with attachement I get this error :

    Warning: copy() [function.copy]: The first argument to copy() function
    cannot be a directory in
    on line 2012
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
    (output started at
    /Users/****/****/mywordpress/wp-content/plugins/threewp-broadcast/ThreeWP_Broadcast.php:2012) in /Users/****/****/mywordpress/wp-includes/pluggable.php
    on line 876

    I’m having the same issue with links to files (PDF docs). It drops the file name. For a quick fix I copied the full URL of the PDF file and used a URL shortener (bitly) to make a new URL to the file. I updated this on the post and it broadcasted to all sites just fine. I’ll post on their site. Hopefully this gets fixed soon!

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