• mongrol


    Hi folks,
    I have my WP site up and slowly knocking it into shape. What I would like though is an “about” page that has a bunch of info on it with no dates shown at the top. How would I achieve this? I seen in the wiki there’s a static pages hack, would that do it? It seems a lot of effort for a simple requirement and I’m trying hard not to make it impossible to upgrade to 1.1 when its available.
    Hmm, while I think about it. I’m planning one category that’s chapter based and would like it to be shown in post order without dates as well. I know there index.php can take orderby, but is it possible to do it on a per category basis?

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  • Sushubh


    if u need an about page, why not just create a static page using the same CSS file and HTML structure of the index.php file and link from the blog?



    Mongrol – if it’s my hack that you are referring to, it does take a little bit of effort to get it setup, but once it is setup, it’s very easy to maintain. I’ve got three pages on my site running that hack. I’ve added zip/tar/7-zip copies of the files to set it up, so it should be simple matter of just using what’s there to get started.

    Thread Starter mongrol


    It does seem the sensible way to do it, by integrating it fully into the site but since I want to use features in 1.1 when its out I don’t want to go too far down the customising route without being able to upgrade easily. I think at this point in time I’ll keep the site offline and concentrate on the content, then move to 1.1 and hack it to bits then. Is the upgrade path really so bothersome? I’ve a funny feeling that when I use 1.1 I’ll eventually be stuck with it.



    Well, usually the parts that are upgraded are in the core files, not so much in the index file. That’s one of the reasons I did it the way I did. It should make future upgrades easy. The only time it won’t work is if there is some highly customized code or a call to a function that doesn’t exist after the upgrade (which shouldn’t be happening.)

    Thread Starter mongrol


    With a some help from Gamez I’ve done the following tiny hack.
    In index.php I’ve cut out the content div to a separate file and called it cat-about.php. I’ve then inserted the following code;
    <?php if($cat == 2) {include (‘cat-about.php’);}
    else {?>
    <div id=”content”>
    <?php if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { start_wp(); ?>
    …….. rest of normal div.
    I can then edit the about content div and rip out the dates to make it look like a static page. Simple and effective. I’m also hoping I can do the same to make 1 particular category order in a different manner (date asc, rather than desc), time will tell.

    Thread Starter mongrol


    Ah bum. It seems the orderby is done in the wp-blog-header.php which is already way past by the time it gets to my splitting code. Can anyone think of a sensible way to get different orderby’s on a per category basis?

    Thread Starter mongrol


    Hi mong, here’s some mini-hack goodness
    At the start of index.php do this;
    $blog = 1;
    if($cat == 3) { $order=’ASC’;}
    That coupled with your content mini-hack does exactly what you want.
    (ok, I`m responding to myself but some others might find it useful :))



    mongrol – I thought about that solution, but didn’t go that route because I dislike including things in that fasion, plus what happens when I get the next release and the index.php gets overwritten…. then I realized, that happens no matter what and I save off a copy before upgrades.
    Glad you found a solution that works for you. Ask 10 people how to do something and you will get at least 12 different ideas.

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