• Hi, I tried to add the following code to blix side bar to create a loginbox at the homepage. Seems to be working but they layout is kinda messed up. Specially under firefox. I can’t make those box appear smaller… Any ideas?

    take look at https://www.tvshowblogs.com/

    global $user_ID, $user_identity;
    if (!$user_ID):
    <h2><?php _e(‘Login’); ?></h2>
    <form name=”loginform” id=”loginform” action=”<?php echo get_settings(‘siteurl’); ?>/wp-login.php” method=”post”>
    <div><label><?php _e(‘Login’) ?>:
    <input type=”text” name=”log” id=”log” value=”” size=”5″ tabindex=”7″ /></label>
    <label><?php _e(‘Password’) ?>:
    <input type=”password” name=”pwd” id=”pwd” value=”” size=”5″ tabindex=”8″ /></label>
    <input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Login’); ?> »” tabindex=”9″ />
    <?php wp_register(”, ”); ?>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”redirect_to” value=”<?php echo $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]; ?>”/></div>
    <h2><?php echo $user_identity; ?></h2>


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