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  • As of today I am receiving the same “No Tweets Found” message. Page just keep trying to load tweets.

    Wondering what happening as well.


    I just installed this plugin and am experiencing the same thing. I can search by just a keyword but not when I use the hashtag.

    Was having the same issue. In the settings, in the Advanced section, try turning on ‘Re-route Twitter traffic through this server’. Worked for me.

    Thanks, I tried that and it did not work for me. I tried two other plugins and none of them are calling the #keyword to the twitter feed. Not sure what’s going on. I tried Twitter Widget Pro and Twitter Hashtag Feed Widget also. Could it possibly be related to Twitter’s new App-only Authentication?

    I ended up deleting all of the plugins and getting the embed code directly from twitter and pasting it into my widget area. If you do a twitter search, you can set parameters for keyword or hashtag searches like (keyword, OR #keyword, OR #anotherkeyword). Then when the search results display, click the little cogwheel icon and select Embed this Search. You will need first get the HTML Javascript Adder plugin to allow JS in your widget.

    No tweets found even after I intentionally put in a tweet by the hashtag being tracked.

    same problem overhere, i had to delete this wunderfull plugin ?? because it stopt working with the #hastag.. on the rightsite of the page.

    Geen tweets gevonden op #medemblik Medemblik Wervershoof Andijk Zwaagdijk Hauwert Oostwoud Midwoud Nibbixwoud Wognum Sijbekarspel Abbekerk Lambertschaag (no tweets found)

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