I removed the address fields from the form by doing the following:
1. go to Plugins/Editor and find the Seamless Donations plugin
2. edit dgx_donate_paypalstd.php and comment out the following line:
// $content = dgx_donate_get_billing_section($content);
3. since billing fields are required, you also need to comment out the required field checks on these fields. edit js/paypalstd-script.js and comment out all the following lines:
// if (address == “”)
// {
// formValidates = false;
// DgxDonateMarkInvalid(“_dgx_donate_donor_address”);
// }
// if (city == “”)
// {
// formValidates = false;
// DgxDonateMarkInvalid(“_dgx_donate_donor_city”);
// }
// if (zip == “”)
// {
// formValidates = false;
// DgxDonateMarkInvalid(“_dgx_donate_donor_zip”);
// }
This worked spectacularly for me! Hope it helps!