• Hello,

    I’m using your great plugin to populate the stripe 960x240px
    With images ~750px high, ~6 per width.

    My problem is that plugin uses full size images rather than generating some smaller size thumbnails.

    I tried to override it by using timthumb inside frontend_attachment.php:58 instead of $imageSrc:

    $path = “”;
    $path .= get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’);
    $path .= ‘/includes/timthumb.php?src=’;
    $path .= $imageSrc;
    $path .= ($imageHeight > 0) ? ‘&h=’ . $imageHeight : ”;
    $path .= ($imageWidth > 0) ? ‘&w=’ . $imageWidth : ”;
    $path .= ‘&zc=1&q=95’

    But these sizes are of the source image rather than target size, it appears the target size is overwritten later on, I guess in javascript.

    So, I wonder if you have some good suggestions how to avoid loading a lot of big images.

    It takes really long to load all the images for no reason.
    I plan to have ~7 stripes like that on one page.

    The only solution I came up with is generating separate images to the size of the slideshow, which is much more time consuming.

    Or maybe someone will advice hot to get the value of the current slideshow ID while in this file?

    Thanks for any suggestions!


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