• For a project I needed to have separate layers of navigation on different parts in my template. Problem was that I didn’t want to have just the child pages of the current page, i needed a particular layer of navigation from the specific ‘branch’ of the current page.

    I came up with the following function:

    // Returns a specfic layer of the navigation relative to the root
    // and based on the 'branch' of the current page.
    // $layer is 1, would be the first layer of SUBNAVIGATION
    if ( !function_exists( 'get_ancestor_id' ) ) {
        function get_ancestor_id( $current_page_id, $layer ){
            $ancestors_arr = get_post_ancestors( $current_page_id );
            $ancestors_arr = array_reverse ($ancestors_arr);
            $ancestors_depth = count($ancestors_arr);
            if( $layer > 0 && $layer > $ancestors_depth ) {
            // The current page less deep dan de specified layer. 
                if( $ancestors_depth - $layer == -1 ){
                      $menuroot_pageid = $current_page_id;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else if ( $layer < 0 ) {
                // Set ancestor PageID relative to current page
                // e.g. -2 sets grandparent as menuroot_pageid;
                $index = $ancestors_depth + $layer; // results in something like 2 + (-1) which gets parents
                $menuroot_pageid = $ancestors_arr[ $index ];
            } else {
                // Set ancestor PageID relative to root
                $menuroot_pageid = $ancestors_arr[ $layer - 1]; // -1 is correction
            return $menuroot_pageid;
    if ( !function_exists( 'has_children' ) ) {
        function has_children($post_id) {
            $children = get_pages("child_of=$post_id");
            if( count( $children ) != 0 ) {
    return true; }
            else { return false; }

    In the theme you can acces a specific layer of navigation through:

    <?php if ( $rootID = get_ancestor_id( $page_id, 1 ) ) : ?>
    		<?php if ( has_children( $rootID ) ) : ?>
    					<?php echo wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=". $rootID ."&echo=0&depth=1&sort_column=menu_order"); ?>
    		<?php endif; ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>

    I’d like to share this code with you, maybe it’s useful for someone. Besides that I’d like to know if anyone has any comments; and things by which I can improve.

    Kind regards.

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