• Hi – thank you for looking

    I recently had to move to a fps and apparently even now some plugins of mine are taking up lots of memory – is there any way to check which ones these are and if my w3 total cache is working & configured properly

    Would be VERY appreciative if someone could help me out at all

    Website is myclubbingholiday.com

    Thank you

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  • I’d recommend disabling object caching and database caching in your case, as caching those to disk is generally not performant. I’d also disable Etags (under browser caching) and enable page cache priming if you haven’t already.

    It doesn’t look like cache-control and expires headers are set, so I’d maybe enable all options under browser caching except for Etags. Beyond that, I’d need to take a look and do a bit of testing in order to dial in your settings properly.

    Drop us a note, please: https://www.w3-edge.com/contact/ — happy to help.

    @oakleyno1, how are things going?

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