Pulling all Posts, custom post types, too!
Hey, thanks a lot for this gorgeous author box. It works like a charm and I could also easily understand the code and adjust it to my design a little. I have just one big problem. I have two custom post types, two apart from the standard posts. What happens is that I usually post these customs while the other teachers of my school post the standard. Unfortunately my box never shows my latest articles as – if I see it right – the box pulls in the standards not the customs. It just does not make much sense you can show the box below the customs (as you can edit it in the settings) but cannot make them appear. I played around with the codes some days because I feel quzite uncomfortable asking something like that referring to a really cool and useful freeby. Anyways, if someone drops by and has an idea how to resolve my problem I would really appreciate an advice. Unfortunately my php skills are far from perfect and I guess this is why I got stuck! Thank you, FAncier is really one of the prettiest things I have seen for WP!
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