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  • Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    So you’re wanting just a basic listing of earned badges?

    Thread Starter allmyleagues



    Right now, the standard display really only allows 3-4 achievements to be displayed without scrolling. If badges can be displayed side by side (both horizontally and vertically) then a site could display 20-30 badges in the same screen length. I see tremendous value in a feature like that.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    If you know how to use the wp_query class at all, you could roll your own solution with this. The badges are simply custom post types. This way you could query for however many you wanted at a time and display them however you wanted. Hope that helps put you on your way, but if you’re completely lost, let me know and I can try to help some more.

    Thread Starter allmyleagues


    I feel bad to say I am not good at coding. In your estimation, how difficult would this be to implement? Like say if it took a half hour to code, I’d be willing to donate 20 bucks to you, and then everyone can benefit from the compact display! If it’s a more daunting task than a half hour then perhaps I’ll tackle this myself once I’ve learned more about how WordPress coding works.

    Thanks for the timely responses! I really enjoy this plugin.


    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    So that I know what I’m helping with, is this a list of badges available? or a list that a certain user has earned? or perhaps ones they have given to others?

    Thread Starter allmyleagues


    It would be for both the list of badges available and also the profile display for the ones each user has earned. Basically, my badges are quite self-explanatory, as you can see here:

    If the banners could be displayed in a compact manner like that (but dynamically, of course), it would look quite sharp on my site!

    Thread Starter allmyleagues


    If I had to pick one, I would request that the display of all badges available was compacted first, and the personal badges was compacted if you had the time.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    How much of those badges are hardcoded into the badge image? What parts are something like post content/title/etc ? I assume at least the center part + the year spans aren’t going to be part of the badge image.

    Thread Starter allmyleagues


    It’s all hardcoded. I have automated processes set up on my computer that spit out the awards.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Not in terms of awarding, in terms of the actual display of the badge. Trying to separate out the content.

    For example. the image part would be the Green shield and “Football Standard Dynasty” at the top, and the rest of the text wouldn’t be there. The name of the badge, that shows up in the title field, isn’t in the image, and would need to be overlayed, as well as the years that are associated with the badge somehow. Post meta for example.

    To query for the badges with that setup, I’d need to grab the badge image, located in WP’s featured image spot, the badge title, and the badge meta.

    Chances are in this case, i’d use the badge image as an inline css style for a background image, then echo the title/meta inside the div that the image is a background for.

    Thread Starter allmyleagues


    Hm ok, I think I understand you now. Let’s see if I do ??

    The post titles for all the banners would be Year,Sport,League,Placement.

    Examples of post titles:

    2012-2013 Football Standard Dynasty – 1st Place
    2012 Baseball Standard Dynasty – 3rd Place
    2011-2012 Hockey Invitational League – 2nd Place

    Does that help, or am I still not understanding?

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Sorry for the delay in replying. The layout I assume you want on the badge would be possible easy enough if you separated the year, sport, league and placement by commas in the title field.

    2012-2013, Football, Standard Dynasty, 1st Place

    Then we could use the php explode function to get each comma-separated area into individual pieces. If you can stay consistent in the order that they’re listed, then we can also make the badges really easy to do too.

    Ok, here’s what I have, at least for a first round before any noticed refinement is needed. I provided comments in places I think would need them, but ask questions as you get them. This one is going to query for all available badges and loop them with display.

    $args = array(
    	'post_type' => 'badges',
    	'posts_per_page' => -1
    $badges = new WP_Query( $args );
    if( $badges->have_posts() ) : while( $badges->have_posts() ) : $badges->the_post();
    	//set up our variables.
    	$parts = explode(',', get_the_title() );
    	//assign each part to an individual variable for easier reference
    	$year = $parts[0]; $sport = $parts[1];
    	$league = $parts[2]; $placement = $parts[3];
    	//grab just the URL for the featured image, assign to an individual variable.
    	$imgsrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( get_the_ID ), "Full");
    	$badgeimg = $imgsrc[0];
    	<?php //Start our output of the badge, assigning the badge image to a css background, inline. ?>
    	<div class="amlbadge" style="background: url('<?php echo $badgeimg; ?>') no-repeat;">
    	<p><?php echo $sport; ?>
    		<?php echo $league; ?></p>
    	<p><?php echo $placement; ?></p>
    	<p><?php echo $year; ?></p>
    <?php endwhile;
    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Hey allmyleagues, any luck with this, if you had the chance to give it a go?

    Michael, I am also looking for a solution to display a list of individual user badges within their buddpress and standard profile. I am one of the site admins at and we could really use some help.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    TheBigAdmin1, it sounds like your request is more for individual user earned badges while this thread is more listing all available ones in a “compact” way. If you could start your own thread, I’d gladly help there. Please include all details you can for what you’re looking for with it.

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