I had a similar challenge but have figured out the solution.
You can replace original theme files here;
Main slider images (1&2),
and the smaller images that appear below are in the same folder,
From your WP CMS login nav’;
Create a post or two,
> Posts, Add New.
Add the title (text to appear in transparency over the image).
Then, in RH options column, set the ‘Format’ radio button to ‘Image’
And set the ‘Featured Image’, using the widget below.
It’ll need to be exactly 1140px x 450px to fill the same space as default images.
Publish the post(s).
As you publish your image Post(s), note the post ID(s).
> Appearance, Theme Options, Featured Post Slider, Featured Post Options
Insert the post ID(s) and Save.
Refresh the browser window for the front-end view. You should now see the images / text from your posts, in the slider.
Hope this makes sense / helps…